Wednesday, May 14

To err is human, to forgive is divine...

*Banyak kerja, tapi gatal tangan nak update. Okay kot, nak hilangkan stress sikit.

To err is human - very true. Human do make mistakes.
To forgive is divine - not really. To forgive and forget is real divine.

Question is, can you really do that?
Forgive and forget?


Everything is in your memories.
You will remember everything, unless you lost your memories.

Someone said, ''Just don't think about it, forget it''
And I said, ''Let the time do the job''


We will 'forget' when the time comes. But when?
Only God knows.

Or do you have any great formula to share?
Easy way(s) to forgive and just forget.
P.S: Staring at my xterm clients with nowhere to go simulations. Why is it too hard for it to go on without problems? Just like us.


h a r i t h said...

ahh..baru post satu citer..panjang btul..huhu..hurm..penat gak mengupdate.huhu

h a r i t h said...

both acts are easily said but hardly to do..but to those would have the determination and tenacity to forgive and forget others mistakes will differentiate to those with two faces or more. Be more sincere and more important be yourself is a good way in accepting others as they are while forgiving them and to forget theirs mistake. I rephrase it back that saying it is much easier and to do will leave a much more and very strong impact on ourself to those that we forgave.

moroka said...

thanks best buddy. you're always the best.

p.s: blanja aku makan cream puff lpas ni. hehehe. :D

iLLy said...

forgive and forget?? perghh....

tertembak disitu..

i'm the pemendam type. i keep it inside. if i've forgiven completely, then i will never say it again. if not.. you'll be the receiving end of my sarcasm for years to come... and when i say years, i really do mean years...and it's not really about the small stuff.. kecik2 itu let it go sudah.. tapi bile hal besar2... susah sangat kot.. dah try da.. tp tu laaaa...


dalam buku saya ade 4 org yang takan dimaafkan... dan damn it sumenye budak chemy utp. haha..

bukan kamu semua.

moroka said...

it is really difficult illy. when someone do something to us, kita rasa nak balas balik je. tp it makes us bad too.and it makes thing worse.

pk2 blk, you can say that you forgive, but to forget it seem impossible.tunggu dan lihat sajalah kot jawapan dia.

mungkin bila kita dah tenang, everything will be ok sekejap. but when it comes to similar thing happens again, kita pasti akan ingat balik. complicated sungguh.

i wish that i can forget everything bad that happened to me.i wish to erase bad memories. i wish...

Anonymous said...

iLLy, aku bukan bdk chem..

time is great medicine.. lagi2 kalau bab forget2 neh..

tapi kalau nk sebut pasal forget2 ni kan, dia macam counter r. as long as the things triger in ur mind, the counter reset to 0. jadi nk kena tunggu lama utk benda tu betul2 jd forget.

tapi bila aje teringat, jadi 0 balik.. ish2...

forgive? bukan senang, tapi x susah. :D
sesetengah tu mungkin jadi susah kerana amik berat akan benda yg ringan2 :D

moroka said...

time is great medicine. mmg btul. sampai satu masa kita akan lupa atau buat-buat lupa je semua benda tu.

counter2 ni bahasa programming..hanya orang tertentu bleh paham :p

anyway, mmg byk bleh blaja daripada aalim :D

iLLy said...

i wish... i wish....

i'm don't that much grudge.. when hurt me so bad, smpi to bring myself to say "i can forgive u" pun tak mampu.

tp tapernah kot balas balik...
justin timberlake bergurindam : what goes around comes around...

nnt smpi mase.. kite sengih je la.. bak kate Leroy : kite lek2 sudah.. nnt ape2 jadi kat die... sengih je la.. hidup harus diteruskan.... muahaha..

tapi mestila memaafkan lagi bagus kan??

Aalim budak EE... bestfren sy budak Mech n EE.. ape kes? haha.

moroka said...

mmg susah cket nk ngam ngn bdak chemi sebab byk sangat kot chemical dalam pun slalu x stabil mungkin sebab chemicals. hahaha.

what goes around comes around. mmg pun. who are we to judge someone, but i know someday HE will. :D