Saturday, May 31

Survey on internship programme.

Here it goes, the poll result.


Internship will end soon. How do you feel?

Possible answers:
1.Great. No more work loads. No more over time.
2.Great. Back to student life. UTP. Ipoh. DC++.
3.Sad. I will leave my working life and great experiences during internship.
4. Sad. I will miss my office mates and my supervisor.

The result:

The most chosen answer is 'Great. Back to student life. UTP. Ipoh. DC++.'
How much we have missed UTP and our homes?
I feel this way, too. Missing home and hectic life in UTP :D
Most of us feel that studying is better than working, huh?
Ok..sometimes working is better than studying - for certain reasons.

At the second place: 'Sad. I will leave my working life and great experiences during internship.'
Not all experiences are good, but that is the reality- the truth.
Good or bad, all of them are memories that will not be forgotten, forever.
Put aside the bad things, and keep the good ones alive in our hearts. :D

Third place: 'Sad. I will miss my office mates and my supervisor.'
We do have new friends. If 7-8 months is not enough for even a new friend during internship, then it must be a very sad story to be told later. Friends, we will always need them, and the best of all are the ones that we really need whether we are sad or happy, whether we are alone or not.

Last but not least: 'Great. No more work loads. No more over time.'
I guess most of the interns are not burdened with tonne of works. But I do hear from some of the interns that they were burdened with lots of works in some work places (nama syarikat dirahsiakan atas sebab-sebab tertentu). Just bear with it okay, only one month++ to go. :p


Mohd Hafizd said...

hmm..mmg sedey lah cik rosli.make sure amik gmbo banyk2 n tkar2 email.mse intern dlu ade le sorng akak nih, sgt lah baek. mse last day, die nangis smpai bengkak mata.die sgt baik sb die xpenah ada adik lelaki. miss u kak azizah~ btw, she just delivered 2nd baby boy~ *wink*

moroka said...

besf xleh amik gamba. huhu. neway, setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan.

oklah tu, still contact lagi ngn akak tu. :D

iLLy said...

wah wah.. i cannot participate in this survey... but i love love hearing all of your intern stories.. hehe

moroka said...

illy, you'll be an intern get ready for your own stories :D

Mohd Hafizd said...

intern sgt besh~