Monday, May 19

Are all human naturally selfish?

Read here about this topic.
Some comments about the topic that really caught my attention:-

"I believe we are all naturally selfish. But that does not stop us doing things that benefit others as well, or even instead of ourselves. People have died to save other people lives....but it is in our nature to benefit ourselves first."

"Everyone is selfish. At the more primitive level we're concerned about getting our needs & wants fulfilled NOW (immediate gratification). At a more advanced level, we can understand how by being selfLESS and by being appreciative we can actually have a more fulfilling existence in the long run. So yes I'd say we're naturally selfish. I'm not sure it's possible to NOT be selfish. Everyone seeks their own fulfillment in life one way or another."

"Human behaviour is purposeful
Yes, we are.
I don’t have any more to add, to do so would only waste mine and yours time for today.
Q: Why are reply's on ATS to long? Don't people have better things to do ..... like go for a walk in the sunshine?
I'm off to get a coffee and a nice sunny walk"

"Every creature on Earth is selfish.
But I think humans are supposed to be above animals."

I have no personal opinion about this right now. Will talk about this later.
Maybe yes, I agree. I just don't want to admit it.


iLLy said...

Yes. yes and yes. I agree to that. I am a selfish person. That makes a person a human. selfishness helps to guide us to our goals and dreams. too much of it... well u know what happens then.... :D

moroka said...

Okay. I admit that I am selfish, too, sometimes. Maybe everytime!

Lets hope that I am not too selfish. Hahaha. :D