Monday, June 23

Yet another boring post: About Internship

*Introduction: Just another digital work that I have done last night. Tell me what you think. (Tak ada kaitan dengan topik di atas)

I need to write something today. Since I am still doing my internship, I am still in good mood to write about it, and it is good to reflect something about the program. My focus would be about the objectives of the program and how far they have been achieved.
These are the objectives of the internship program taken directly from the UTP Internship Guidelines (2007). The objectives of the training are as follows:
• To integrate theory with practice
• To introduce students to work culture and industrial practices
• To give opportunity to students to work with industrial practitioners
• To expose students to potential employers
• To acquaint the UTP students with industry and its programs

In my opinion, most of the objectives were achieved but in different ways for each and every intern. Dealing with different companies; different tasks, with different working environment, it is not easy for the interns to achieve the same objectives. Some companies really give the opportunities for their interns to really work, to be part of the team while some other companies will not give such high responsibilites for the interns to manage.

I have no complaints towards my internship. It is such golden opportunity to be in BASF and to learn research-based work. I have never thought that Chemical Engineering is very diverse from what I imagined before. It is an eye-opener for me. Experiencing life in a foreign country is really great, too. In fact, life experience here is far greater in term of value than the working experience.
I however do have complaint about the application procedure to BASF; about some administrative issues related to the program. It is not a big matter for my friends and I, at least. I just heard that thing got worse for my junior batch (Jun 2008 - Jan 2009 Internship). They didn't get advancement in scholarship and the flight was delayed for two weeks. For my batch, it was only one week, and we got the advancement in scholarship. Maybe for some people advancement in scholarship is nothing, but for me it is really an important issue.

I just feel sorry for them. I just hope that things will not get worse than it already is for the incoming batches. Do they really read the recommendations written by the students in the final report? I wish that they read and seriously implement the solution so that everything will get better. If things get worse, I am not really sure what are recommendations for.

Boring, huh? I'm bored too, that's why I am typing another blog entry today. :p


h a r i t h said...

masyaAllah..byknye merapu..nnt aku balik umah la baco pah tu..hehehe

Mohd Hafizd said...

hihi...kt ne nk tgk gmbo ori sblm edit?

h a r i t h said...

hu hu hu

moroka said...

hahaha..mmg merapu pun. buat panjang2 baru nampak gempak. heeheh :)

pitya, gamba asal tu ada dalam stock account kat deviantart.aku tak buat direct link to photo tapi ada link to those accounts.