Friday, June 27

Tag #5 - Bertuahnya Saya... :D

Tag aku yang kelima. Terima kasih kepada orang-orang yang mengingati dan mengetag diri ini yang tak seberapa. Kali ini aku ditag oleh Illy. Tag ini agak macam mencapub, poyo, mempromote diri sendiri, dsb, jadi jangan salahkan aku andainya aku nampak sedemikian rupa. Salahkan tag ini. Mwahaha. Here it goes:

5 sebab kenapa aku rasa bertuah menjadi diri aku sendiri:

1. Aku dilahirkan dalam sebuah keluarga yang bagi aku amat bahagia. Abang, kakak, adik lelaki, adik perempuan, semuanya aku ada. Dan hubungan kami adik beradik adalah sangat rapat. Kadang-kadang gaduh jugak, tapi asam garam dalam kehidupan la kan. Tapi most of the time, Alhamdulillah, everything is perfect when we are together. :D

2. I have great parents, especially my mum. Aku rasa sangat bertuah kerana mempunyai seorang ibu seperti mak aku. She is my everything. No matter how hard is the problem, how rough is the route in my life, when I hear her voice everything will go just fine, if not better. Wait for my return mak, I have something special for you, dan tak lupa untuk ayah juga. :D

3. I have good friends around me. I have some issues with some of them, (i know they have it with me too) tapi biasa la kan, asam garam dalam kehidupan. Nobody is perfect and we are usually perfect for each other. Tapi yang membuatkan aku rasa sangat bertuah, aku rasa tak salah andainya aku cakap kat sini yang aku mempunyai seorang kawan baik, my bestest buddy, yang sangat baik. When I heard that he visited my family a couple of months ago, aku rasa sangat terharu. Nak saja aku balik at that moment to join the gathering, makan cream puff yang dia bawa. Thanks best buddy!

4. Alhamdulillah, setakat ini rezeki aku sentiasa murah. (ni macam idea Illy saja..nak ceduk cket hehe). Sejak dari kecil lagi, aku tak pernah rasa kurang apa-apa. Famili aku bukannya kaya raya tapi I have almost everything since I was born. Kasih sayang melebihi segala-galanya. ^_^

5. Last but not least, I am happy with myself, for who I am. I am not perfect but hey, I am so glad to be myself. Jerawat banyak ke (tak macam Alin..hehe), kurus kering ke (tak macam ? ..hehe), I am happy as long as I am just like myself today! Yup, I try to improve (jasmani dan rohani), but if it isn't working, I am still happy and I can live with it, just like this for the rest of my life. :D

Enough of me and myself, how about you? I wanna hear something from Harith, Pitya aka Hafizd, Husna, Anis and Dayla. Come on, jangan malas-malas, silalah buat tag ini. Bagi aku, tag ini bukannya untuk berbangga diri tapi untuk menilai diri sendiri, dan membuatkan kita lebih bersyukur dengan diri sendiri. So, what are you waiting for...just do it. :D

Wednesday, June 25

20 Days to go....

Begitu cepat masa berlalu. 20 hari saja lagi aku akan kembali ke Malaysia. Rindu nak balik tapi semakin berat hati nak tinggalkan Germany. There is something here that I think I'll miss forever (jangan fikir bukan-bukan). Hahaha.

Just finished doing another so called art. Hehehe. Ini dia, nak show off sikit.

Kebelakangan ni aku memang lebih banyak menghabiskan masa dengan Photoshop instead of watching movies and series. So, jangan tensen-tensen membaca andainya aku selalu saja menghapdet blog ini dengan showing off my photoshop work. Dah agak lama juga tak review movie. Lain kali la ya. Dah lama tak tengok movie. Hari tu terdonlod The Incredible Hulk berbahasa Sepanyol. Penat saja tunggu. Isk3x.

Ok la, this is actually another blog update before long? sleep tonight. Bye, good night and have a nice day everyone! =D

Monday, June 23

Yet another boring post: About Internship

*Introduction: Just another digital work that I have done last night. Tell me what you think. (Tak ada kaitan dengan topik di atas)

I need to write something today. Since I am still doing my internship, I am still in good mood to write about it, and it is good to reflect something about the program. My focus would be about the objectives of the program and how far they have been achieved.
These are the objectives of the internship program taken directly from the UTP Internship Guidelines (2007). The objectives of the training are as follows:
• To integrate theory with practice
• To introduce students to work culture and industrial practices
• To give opportunity to students to work with industrial practitioners
• To expose students to potential employers
• To acquaint the UTP students with industry and its programs

In my opinion, most of the objectives were achieved but in different ways for each and every intern. Dealing with different companies; different tasks, with different working environment, it is not easy for the interns to achieve the same objectives. Some companies really give the opportunities for their interns to really work, to be part of the team while some other companies will not give such high responsibilites for the interns to manage.

I have no complaints towards my internship. It is such golden opportunity to be in BASF and to learn research-based work. I have never thought that Chemical Engineering is very diverse from what I imagined before. It is an eye-opener for me. Experiencing life in a foreign country is really great, too. In fact, life experience here is far greater in term of value than the working experience.
I however do have complaint about the application procedure to BASF; about some administrative issues related to the program. It is not a big matter for my friends and I, at least. I just heard that thing got worse for my junior batch (Jun 2008 - Jan 2009 Internship). They didn't get advancement in scholarship and the flight was delayed for two weeks. For my batch, it was only one week, and we got the advancement in scholarship. Maybe for some people advancement in scholarship is nothing, but for me it is really an important issue.

I just feel sorry for them. I just hope that things will not get worse than it already is for the incoming batches. Do they really read the recommendations written by the students in the final report? I wish that they read and seriously implement the solution so that everything will get better. If things get worse, I am not really sure what are recommendations for.

Boring, huh? I'm bored too, that's why I am typing another blog entry today. :p

Saturday, June 21

A dedication

A tribute to someone as promised. Here it is.

Check the detail here
Good luck for your presentation!

Friday, June 20

Kerana bola itu bulat...

Sekarang musim bola. Secara ikhlasnya aku katakan, aku tak begitu meminati sukan yang satu ini. Aku selalu saja rasakan bola itu sukan yang bahaya. Semuanya kerana pengalaman pahit semasa bermain bola sewaktu aku di bangku sekolah. Pengalaman apa? Biarlah itu menjadi kenangan pahit aku.

Tapi apa-apa pun, aku layan saja kalau orang cakap dia minat bola, dan aku tumpang gembira saja kalau pasukan kegemaran mereka menang. Just don't go into further details; how they kick the ball, what is the angle, how they didn't manage to score, etc. Itu aku memang tak boleh tumpang sekaki. Kadang-kadang yang bercakap tu belum tentu hebat pun kalau dia yang bermain. Hahaha. Just kidding =p

Kerana bola itu bulat, dan aku tak begitu berminat untuk melihat orang mengejar dan merebut bola yang satu itu, maka aku pun menghabiskan masa untuk menonton filem-filem yang semakin memenuhi cakera keras (hard disk) aku. Latest hindi movie yang aku tengok, Jodha Akbar. Not so great though. I like Devdas a lot more than this movie. Aishwarya Rai is much more elegant in Devdas.

Movie lain? Saawariya, juga Hindi movie. Agak membosankan. Lepas ni nak tengok Taare Zameen Par, another award winning movie. Hopefully best dan dapat cover 6 jam yang aku bazirkan untuk Saawariya dan Jodha Akbar. Thanks to Illy for suggesting this movie. I have a feeling that this movie is good.

Any more suggestions for great movies? Tak kisahlah bahasa apa, aku layankan saja. Janji best. :D

Next time will be a special tribute post. See you.. :D

Thursday, June 19

Menghitung Hari...

Tak sampai sebulan lagi, aku akan kembali ke Malaysia. Perasaan? Ada perasaan gembira tapi pada masa yang sama ada sedikit kesedihan. Teringat lagi masa awal-awal dapat tahu aku akan ke Germany. Memanglah seronok tapi rasa berat hati juga untuk meninggalkan keluarga. Nasib baik cuma untuk 7 bulan. Ingat lagi, ada sesi fotografi untuk student yang akan ke Germany. Pejam celik pejam celik sekarang dah hampir tamat pun.

Mizi, Tzu Fen, Aku, Pei Chie, Amir (not in the photo: Angie)

Okay lah, tanpa membuang masa aku akan ceritakan serba sedikit apa yang gembira dan apa yang sedih.

Aku akan balik 13 Julai nanti dari Frankfurt ke KLIA dan kemudiannya terus ke Pengkalan Chepa. Kira-kiranya 14 Julai nanti aku akan kembali menjejakkan kaki di Tanah Serendah Sekebun Bunga. Aku begitu merindui kampung halaman, aku rindu masakan mak dan kak long, aku rindu senda gurau bersama-sama adik beradik yang lain. Aku rindukan kawan-kawan, terutamanya my bestest buddy, Harith bin Razali. Bukannya aku tak rindu kawan-kawan lain, tapi mungkin kerana terlalu banyak masa aku di UTP selama ini diluangkan bersama Harith, bila dia tiada saja aku rasa macam ada ruang kosong dalam hidup seharian.

Oh ya, tiga orang intern (Amir, Mizi, Angie) akan balik lebih awal, pada 9 Julai kerana visa mereka tamat tempoh lebih awal. Aku balik bersama Pei Chie dan Tzu Fen pada 13 Julai. In fact, aku tak rasa apa-apa pun. Ada pro dan kontranya sama ada balik lambat atau balik awal. Balik lambat, aku boleh spend lebih banyak masa-masa terakhir aku di sini. Aku mungkin ambil cuti untuk minggu terakhir tu. Entah bila lagi aku akan berpeluang untuk berada di sini. Balik awal, lebih banyak masa untk bersama keluarga sebelum memulakan tahun akhir pengajian. Insya Allah, kalau panjang umur banyak lagi masa untuk bersama keluarga.
Gembira? Banyak sebab. Antaranya famili, kawan-kawan, dan makanan. Aku sudah jemu juga dengan makanan di sini. Tak banyak pilihan. Yang dapat dipilih pun belum tentu sama dengan selera sendiri.
Sedih? Salah satunya mungkin sebab sudah terbiasa dengan keadaan dan suasana di sini. Membayangkan kehidupan selepas ini tanpa tram, dan train untuk bergerak ke mana-mana sudah cukup untuk membuatkan aku berat hati untuk meninggalkan negara ini. Membayangkan kelas dan assignment yang akan bertimbun-timbun bila kembali ke UTP, membayangkan bila tamat belajar, macam manalah suasana kerja di Malaysia, aku begitu resah. Aku rasa kerja di sini sangat menyelesakan, tak ada stress, dan masa kerja sangat fleksibel.
I will miss a lot of things here. Dan bukan semua pengalaman di sini menggembirakan dan menyenangkan hati. Ada juga yang kadang-kadang mengguriskan hati. Ada yang membuatkan aku begitu terasing dan sunyi. Ada yang membuatkan aku emo. Tapi begitulah hidup, kan? Tak indah jika semuanya indah. :D

Monday, June 16

Photoshopping :)

It's 2.25 a.m. Monday morning. *OMG*. Nasib baik hari ni cuti. Aku ambik cuti. BASF sangat pemurah hati bagi aku cuti sampai 20 hari sepanjang internship. =D

Thursday, 1.30 p.m
Dr. Ravi, I need to take leave on Friday and Monday
(Dr. Ravi is my supervisor)
Dr. Ravi: Where are you going?
Aku: Tomorrow I'm going to Malaysian students' gathering in Stuttgart. And on Monday I need to settle some things with the new interns from Malaysia.
Dr. Ravi: Ok. I will not be here for two weeks starting from Monday. If you have anything just ask Jens. (Dr. Jens - BASF staff)
Aku: Ok.

Sebenarnya, aku pergi Stuttgart petang Khamis tu juga. Tapi balik dari sana memang lambat giler. Sampai kat sini balik pun dah pukul 3.00 pagi Jumaat tu. Penat dan sejuk but every moment together with student2 jpa memang enjoyable. Semangat betul aku menyamar jadi student jpa semata-mata nak join event malam tu. Hahaha. :D

Sejak siang tadi lagi aku asyik berphotoshop saja. Bukannya apa, penat tengok movie. Asyik-asyik modal sama saja. Kadang-kadang naik jemu juga. Sebab tu macam-macam genre aku dah try tengok. Movie dari pelbagai bahasa aku dah layan. Tapi jemu tetap jemu. Tunggu esok-esok la pulak untuk layan movie.

So, I wasted my time for photoshop. Nothing much. I made something from stock photos in DeviantART and posted them back to the site, just for fun. Some comments and favourites made me feel happy, at least. I feel that I am being appreciated for what I have done. My latest work: (sorry if it doesn't fit in with your interest, common sense, etc - I just need some practice to develop my skills in Photoshop, and to get out of boringness)

If you (baca:Best buddy) have some photos that you want to edit, pass them to me so that I can do something, if I have time...and if the photos set my mood well. In fact, I think you can do it better than me.

Esok kena settle kan some things for the new interns. I need to sleep now. Hope that I can get up early. At least earlier than before. =p

Friday, June 13

+About Friendship+

This is not my thoughts, it is from a professional photographer in DeviantART, Pavi (from Finland). I really admire the way she describes friendship, in a very meaningful and truthful way.

I have thought about friendship a lot recently.

To me a (true) friend is a person whom I can count on. A friend is someone who is there for you when you have hard times. Also a friend shares the joy with you and encourages you. A friend shows you respect and understands you and your choices. Trust is an important part in this bond. A friend doesn't judge your personality. If she/he criticizes you, it's for a good reason and you know it. If they hurt you for some reason (it happens sometimes), they apologize and try to make it up to you.

A friend is someone you can laugh with, or cry with. A friend is someone you can have fun with. You don't have to worry what she/he thinks of you. You don't have to fear their reactions towards you. You don't have to be unsure if they like you or not. You know in your heart that they do. And they know you like them and respect them. Everything you want them to do for for you, you do for them.

A good and trusted friend is really hard to find. Sometimes you think you have found one but it wasn't real. Some are just using you for selfish reasons and it makes you feel very hurt inside. When you find a friend, the one who makes you happy and helps you strive for everything you believe in, you have found a rare treasure. It's a miracle you don't want to lose.

If you have true friends like that right now, appreciate and show them love! They deserve it. You'll lose nothing but can gain everything.. :heart:

These are my thoughts.. what about yours?

Have a nice :sun:day!

p.s: It is indeed very hard to find true friends. If you have true friends, be grateful and do appreciate them endlessly.

Tuesday, June 10

A big relief & hiking experience in Edenkoben

*Baru saja selesai final presentation untuk internship. A very big relief. :)

Now, I have more time to update the blog, as usual. As promised, I will share about the hiking experience. Semuanya bermula bila aku dimaklumkan ada aktiviti hiking for my department. At first I thought I wasn't invited for that activity since I didn't get any invitation letter. So, I called my supervisor, and it turned out that I was invited as well. :)

From the workplace, we went to Edenkoben which is about 45 km away. When we first arrived at the hiking place, I never thought that it will be very interesting. We just walked along the flat pathway, the scenery is almost similar to the one that we can see in Malaysia. I was very lucky to have a friend, Mark who brought a camera. So, I asked for his help to capture my first photo there.

Memulakan langkah with Bismillah..and peace :)

When we walked at higher altitude, it was getting more and more interesting. The scenery of the forest was very much different at the higher level, and the weather condition was really refreshing. It was really great. Nature is indeed one of the most fantastic things in the world.

More peace :)

Since we took the long route which was about 15 km, it was really time consuming and tiring experience, maybe because I haven't do any sport in ages. :p

Berhenti rehat seketika. Yes, my hair is getting longer, again. I don't plan to get my hair cut done during my last month here. :p

On the way to the top, I have this picture captured. This is my supervisor. He is from India. Well, he is very good in English. I have learnt a lot from him.

With my supervisor (right) and an intern from Malaysia.

And these are some more photos at the highest level that we explored that day.

With the Head of GCT/S

With Mark, a colleague at the office

At the end of the hiking activities, we were treated with dinner. The cuisines were totally different when compared to Malaysian cuisines, tapi bila lagi nak merasa makanan di sini? I took almost every vegetarian foods served, semuanya mempunyai rasa yang pelik dan apa yang aku boleh katakan, aku begitu merindui makanan Malaysia.

Hey, it is one more month to go. I am really happy with this fact, but at the same time, I feel very sad to leave wonderful experiences in this wonderful land; the Deutschland. Happy and sad; can they really be together?

p.s: Good luck to those who will be having their presentation soon.

Sunday, June 8

Tag #4 - About Se7en

I need time to work. I also need time to relax. Most of the time, I want to relax, isn't that laziness? Whatever it is, I have been tagged by Pitya. This tag is quite lengthy la Pitya, but I don't want to miss the chance to mencapub - mencari publisiti, di samping beremosi cket. So, I can't resist doin' the tag. :p

7 fakta mengenai saya
- Pendiam dengan orang yang kurang dikenali
- Very emotional, sometimes or most of the time?
- Suka menghabiskan masa with my computer, handphone, or cameras
- Not good with words - so do not get angry if I misuse some words, I don't mean to.
- I have always wanted my friends to treat me like someone, not no one.
- I like all love stories - except my own
- Di saat bosan (& emo, sedih, happy etc) aku menaip. :)

7 perkara yang menakutkan saya
- losing - especially beloved ones
- physical appearances
- my own feelings - sometimes I don't know what I really want
- forgive & forget - can I do that?
- revenge & vengeance - I faced this more than once, it's scary
- give & take - can I really do this
- good in bad

7 lagu buat masa sekarang yang terngiang2/ diminati
- Nelly Furtado - Say It Right
- Hillary Duff - Fly
- Britney Spears - Everytime, etc
- Enrique Iglesias - Tired of Being Sorry
- Siti Nurhaliza - Bisakah, etc
- Kylie Minogue - Can't Get You Out of My Head
- Faith Hill - There You'll Be
- byk lagi...nak buat 70 pun bleh.. :p

7 perkara/ perkataan yang selalu saya sebut
- aku
- ko
- jom
- makan
- a'ah
- oOo
- ok

7 perkara amat bernilai pada saya
- myself
- family
- true friends
- healthy body
- faith & trust
- love & care
- last but not least - my personal belongings

7 pertama kali dalam hidup

- Pertama kali jatuh cinta: rahsia.. :p
- Pertama kali jatuh tertiarap: 2004 - Rawang
- Pertama kali swimming - masa banjir dulu2
- Pertama kali rasa diri tak dihargai - 2003
- Pertama kali kena marah oleh cikgu: Form 3
- Dah..dah malas buat tag ni. Makin menjadi-jadi kekarutannya.

7 orang yang saya mahu tag
- Sape-sape yang nak buat, silakan.

Saturday, June 7

Kecuakan kemelandaan.

Presentation next week. 10 June 2008.
Dr. Chandra Mohan yang evaluate. Never heard of him before.

Asalnya Dr. Zakaria yang patut evaluate. Tapi tak jadi.
Ayah beliau telah kembali ke rahmatullah. Al-Fatihah buat arwah.

Wish me luck everyone.
And for those who will present next week,
I wish all of you all the best. May Allah bless us :D

See you later.
After presentation :D

Friday, June 6

Moment when saying nothing might have worked out better...

Question: If you could live forever, would you and why?
Answer: I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever. -Miss Alabama in the 1994 Miss USA contest

Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country.
-Mayor Marion Barry, Washington, DC

I've never had major knee surgery on any other part of my body.
- Winston Bennett, University of Kentucky basketball forward.

Traditionally, most of Australia's imports come from overseas.
-Former Australian cabinet minister Keppel Enderbery

Half this game is ninety percent mental.
-Philadelphia Phillies manager Danny Ozark

It is wonderful to be here in the great state of Chicago.
-Former U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle
(Chicago is a city)

It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it.
-Former U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle

The streets are safe in Philadelphia. It's only the people who make them unsafe.
-Frank Rizzo, ex-police chief and mayor of Philadelphia

After finding no qualified candidates for the position of principal, the school board is extremely pleased to announce the appointment of David Steele to the post.
-Philip Streifer, Superintendent of Schools, Barrington, Rhode Island

Source: Greater Things

Thursday, June 5

“We don’t see the things the way they are. We see things the way WE are.” - Talmund

PM gesa bendung kenaikan harga barang

''Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mahu rakyat menjadi ‘mata dan telinga’ kerajaan dalam usaha membendung kenaikan harga barangan keperluan ekoran langkah menaikkan harga petrol dan diesel berkuat kuasa esok.

Sambil meminta rakyat mengamalkan gaya hidup berjimat cermat, Perdana Menteri menegaskan, bantuan orang ramai itu amat diperlukan bagi membolehkan penguatkuasaan dijalankan secara lebih berkesan.''

Harga minyak naik, you purely expect that harga barang tak akan naik?
I don't know what they are thinking. Are they optimists or dreamers?

I don't care if you want to increase the oil price as high as you wanted it to be.
I know you won't pay for it - the one who suffer will not be you.
And it is the real truth anyway. In years to come - it is expected that oil price will be $150-200/barrel.

But please, please don't say unrealistic things. It just shows how unaware you are.
Almost everything revolves around oil and gas. Don't you think?
Be more responsible for your act, please. Tell the truth.

p.s: Sorry for being emotional, again. I just can't stand people who pretend that they care, in fact they don't. If you care, just tell the truth. Even if you don't, you don't have to wait for weeks or months to say the truth. It will hurt even more!

p.s: Semua barang naik, scholar bila lagi nak naik. XD

Wednesday, June 4

My body is killing me!

Baru balik dari Edenkoben

First time hiking..and it's a 15-km route!
Now, my body is killing me..
Sengal all over..
Maklumla dah lama tak exercise..huh~

Feels like my legs need 15 days of rest.

Tapi kan orang ckp without pain, life is not beautiful.
Betul tak betul you are the only one who can answer..

For me.. was a whole lot of fun!
Penat tapi berbaloi...except for the food. Hahaha. :p

Next time I'll post about this in details, with photos (need to claim them first)

Tuesday, June 3

Keep your eyes wide open, for seeing is believing.

..these photos are from one of the forwarded emails that I received recently, with the subject "Only in Pakistan". Lol..:D

Monday, June 2

Masyukk... :D

Tengah masyuk buat slide show untuk presentation next week, tiba-tiba terngiang-ngiang lagu 'Humko Hamise Chura Lo' yang aku layankan sebelum pergi kerja pagi tadi. Apa lagi, aku pun membuka laman web kesukaan ramai YouTube dan searched for that particular song. Waaah...masyuknya..nak tahu kenapa masyuk? Tengoklah liriknya. Hehehe. :p

Aaaaaaa... hmm hmm..

Humko humise chura lo, dil mein kahin tum chupa lo
(Steal me from myself, hide me somewhere in your heart)

Hum akele kho naa jaaye, door tumse ho naa jaaye
(Don't let me get lost in loneliness, don't let me lose you)

Paas aao gale se lagaa lo
(Come to me, take me in your arms)


Masyuk, kan?
Steal me from myself, steal ME! Steal ME!

Jangan salah sangka, aku bukan kutuk lagu Hindustan.
In fact, aku selalu dengar lagu Hindustan.
I love the musics, and the melody.
Kadang-kadang, hanya dengan menggunakan huruf 'A',
lagu dan melodinya boleh jadi begitu menyentuh jiwa.


p.s: Teringatkan pesan sv supaya buat 7-8 slides saja untuk presentation. Keep it simple, maybe not more than 15, katanya. Aku buat 16, boleh tak? Ampun ampun terlebih satu slide. Huhuhu.

Sunday, June 1

Quotes of the day....

Something related to me and you, to us...

Quotes Myspace Comments

Quotes Myspace Comments

Quotes Myspace Comments

Quotes Myspace Comments

Quotes Myspace Comments

Quotes Myspace Comments

Quotes Myspace Comments

Quotes Myspace Comments

Quotes Myspace Comments

Quotes Myspace Comments

Quotes Myspace Comments

Source: MyNiceSpace