Wednesday, April 2

X-Men oh X-Men...

Just finished watching the wonderful movies about humans and mutants. Marathon X-Men, X-Men 2 dan X-Men 3 dari pukul 7 petang sampai pukul 12++ pagi. Heheh.

..dah lama tak tengok balik movie yang best tu. Anyway, I'm a Marvel fan..memang layan jer apa-apa movie yang berkaitan dengan Marvel =D

Terfikir pula, alangkah bestnya kalau aku menjadi salah seorang mutant yang powerful tu. Kalaulah diberi peluang, nak jadi apa agaknya?

Aku pilih Mystique. Shape shifter yang begitu mengagumkan. Nak tukar jadi sapa? Depends. Bergantung pada masa dan keadaan. Hahah. =D

Charles Xavier pun okay gak, but I'm not willing to give up my legs just for his mind-controlling ability. Jean Grey is way too powerful and unstable!

Wolverine? I don't like having claws. Storm? I think the weather now is good enough!

Dah2. Sudah penat mengarut. Nak tido..esok nak kerja!

Kamu yang membaca, jika diberi pilihan, nak jadi mutant mana satu?
Or baik saja jadi manusia biasa yer..tak perlu susah2 menentang musuh. =p

By the way, anyone know about X-Men 4?


iLLy said...

I wanna be Rogue. Coz she's a no-nonsense tough girl. But vurnerable at the same time. Imagine sucking out other's power at your touch?? uuuu..

not-so-secretly crushing on Cyclops...

moroka said...

Ooh..Rogue cool gak. But Rogue is more powerful in the comics and animation series than in the movies.

Forgot to mention Cylops..his act is very good in 'Enchanted'. Dah tengok blom? I'm sure you don't wanna miss this movie. =D

iLLy said...

did you seryesly ask that question?? i've watched every single movie that has James Marsden in it. I've watched enchanted. That was a really fun movie. I've 27 dresses too... ade Katherine Heigel And James Marsden.

Be-be-be-benny and The Jets~! :D

moroka said...

maybe i have asked the wrong person. hahah..~