Thursday, April 24

Online voting: Is it fair enough?

Sekarang musim blog kurang meriah. Kawan-kawan punye blog pun x diupdate sangat. Aku pun tak ada idea untuk menaip. Jadi, aku buat bancian (poll) di sisi blog. Sila-silakanlah cast your vote, lebih-lebih lagi bagi sesiapa yang belum berkesempatan untuk vote dalam pilihanraya baru-baru ini. At least boleh juga melepaskan gian untuk vote. Hehehe. =p

Ok, back to the topic. The topic for today: is online voting fair enough to decide anything? Or specifically to decide who is at the top place for a contest, or an award?

What I think:

- online voting is vulnerable to error, in which a person can cast a vote more than once (try it on my polls! Refresh the page before you vote for the second time :D).

- online voting can be done by anyone; even a small 4 year old kid who knows nothing about the poll can cast a vote by just one single click.

- not everyone can be online, so online voting does not represent the whole public.

- online voting can be totally controlled by the owner for his own purpose.

- online voting can be hacked by genius hackers, it can be voted over and over by an automatic robot.

- online voting is only for fun.

Yes, what I really think is, it is only for fun. Nothing more, nothing less.

Even if in the real voting process people can do so many tricks to achieve their own purpose, how can an online voting be a benchmark to decide anything important?

That's what I think. Tell me your opinion. Every comment (whether you agree or not) is truly appreciated.
Dan sila-silakanlah vote untuk kaler blogku. Reminder: a person can vote only once! (I accidentally voted twice) :D


Khalisah said...

When people vote online, the feeling is usually different from voting the regular way. However, it is useful to help you make small, but significant decisions (like deciding the colour of your blog and such). And online polls are fun. Don't you think so too?

moroka said...

Yup, i think so. It is fun for certain decisions. But for big decisions or big outcomes, it is not fair to announce the results based on online polls.

For blogs colour or such, i think it is really fun. :D

Anonymous said...

ya ya.. betul tu rosli..
online voting is fun..
utk decision penting, besar, urgent, online voting is not that reliable for me.

online voting maybe can ease ur life, but it's also have to possibility to ruin everyone's life :p

blog is urs. nk vote wat mender. hahaha pilih sendiri sudey :p
nnt kalau salah pilih, ada r tu yg akan komen, baru r tukar :p

moroka said...

tepat sekali aalim. there is possibility to ease or ruin something.

vote utk blog kaler is just for fun. at last, decision is mine. "owner can modify the result to his own purpose". hehehehe. :D

dayla said...

agree with all of you.
imagine kalau public election leh vote online.
haru biru la msia.
more and more pengundi hantu.
silap2 dayla leh naik jd pm.

iLLy said...

online votes or electoral votes is not suitable for political purposes... sbbnye nnt dayla leyh jadi PM.. sy tamau.. :P

tp kalau takat pilih kaler blog.. [nape tade oren ni rosli???] atau polls yang fun tp important..then online votes it is...

dayla said...

nk vote utk purple.
mungkin jugak red.
i love red...

moroka said...

vote untuk suka2 bleh la kan..hehehe.
kaler oren..illy suka kaler oren poll about colour i will include orange. :D

dayla, i love red too, tapi kalau membaca blog warna merah menyala sakit juga mata. ehehehe. kalau light red ok kot. :D