Thursday, April 24
Online voting: Is it fair enough?

Wednesday, April 23
Warning!! Achtung achtung...
(maksudnya: Ding dung..ding dung. Perhatian, perhatian..)
Hari ini asyik kedengaran bunyi alarm dan announcement di pejabat. Lepas itu datanglah berbelas-belas kereta bomba dengan sirennya yang agak membingitkan.
Tak ada pula announcement mengarahkan kami keluar dari bangunan hari ni. Kalau minggu lepas, situasinya agak sama juga tapi kami diarahkan keluar. Menurut office mate ku, hari ini bangunan lain yang terlibat. Aku angguk saja, sebab aku memang tak faham announcement yang dibuat dalam bahasa Jerman itu.
I realize that being in the office inside a chemical plant, the danger is always there. Long long time ago, in 1921, dah pernah berlaku explosion di sini. Read here. Seriau juga aku lepas membaca pasal explosion ni suatu ketika dulu. Some of the facts:
*The explosion was estimated be equivalent to about 1–2 kilotonnes of TNT and was heard as a loud bang in Munich, more than 300 km away.
*The pressure wave ripped roofs off up to 25 km away and destroyed windows even farther away. In Heidelberg (30 km from Oppau), traffic was stopped by the mass of broken glass on the streets.
*About 80 percent of all buildings in Oppau were destroyed, leaving 6500 homeless. At ground zero a 90 m by 125 m crater, 19 m deep, was created.
Nonetheless, I think chemical plant is one of the safest workplaces. See here:

Walau di mana pun kita berada, hanya Dia yang Maha Mengetahui. =D
What hurts the most...
Rascal Flatts in their song 'What hurts the most' say:
Monday, April 21
New Obsession: Nelly Furtado...

- Maneater
- All Good Things (Come to an end)
- Wait for you
- Te Busque (ft. Juanes)
I checked the top 25 most played songs in my iTunes, and guess what, the song at the top of the list is "Say It Right", as expected. I hear the song almost everyday, so there is no wonder.
Bosan membaca? Aku pun bosan juga. Sebab itu aku menaip. (refer to my blog title..hehehe). I have no idea to type something here, but I want to. Ok, lets talk about something else.
No more music talk. Just now, I copied some of my photos from the computer to my external hard disk drive, and it came out with this "4 days and 16 hours remaining" time for copying.

Are you kidding me, Windows? Fortunately, it only took about 10 minutes. It must be interesting if the Windows really need 4 days and 16 hours just to copy 6,349 photos (6,41 GB). Then all Windows user will go to Mac, or go to the safer and better Linux.
I want to change to Linux in the near future, but can I bear with losing some of the games, and features that I am really familiar with in Windows? I guess we are just too dependant on Windows since from we started to touch the mouse. At least for me.
Saturday, April 19
My happiness
*INI. Thank you very much best buddy. I really really appreciate it. Nanti ku balik akan ku belanja makan ye. Hehehe :D
*Berat badanku bertambah 1 kg! Aku timbang 4 hari berturut-turut sejak hari Selasa, ternyata berat badanku sudah bertambah. Jangan-jangan penimbang berat itu rosak? Hahaha. =p
*Reportku untuk first project sudah hampir siap. Nak start final report..nak start..nak start...huhu =D
*Sudah tamat menonton Dae Jang Geum semalam. Lepas ni nak layan All In (suggested by Farah) dan House M.D (suggested by Amir). Mana satu patut ku layan dulu? Korea atau omputih?
*Seminggu lagi, akan travel ke Benelux bersama kawan-kawan. (Benelux = Belgium Netherlands Luxembourg). I know we should boycott Netherlands, but everything was planned since before the video leakage. Can't wait to see the tulips! ^-^
*Hari ini Jumaat, esok cuti lagi! Nak window shopping lagi.. =D
''Life is full of sweetness and bitterness, just accept them both with gratefulness and contentment since they are what that make your life so meaningful and beautiful, then you will have a bliss'' - moroka, 18.04.2008.
Friday, April 18
K-Drama worth watching...

6. Fantasy Couple - Menarik sebab jalan ceritanya yang unik. Expect the unexpected. Vengeance can turn into love and care, and vice versa. I simply love it. :D

7. Super Rookie - you're not excellent in study, doesn't mean that you will not be excellent in your career. It is a very funny and inspiring drama. Berjaya menarik abang aku (yang bukanlah penggemar cerita korea) untuk menonton sehingga habis. Aku bangga. :D

11. Sweet 18 - What happens when you got married at a very young age in the modern world. 18 is considered young nowadays, tak matang lagi orang cakap. Enjoyable drama. :D

- Sorry, I love you
- Summer Scent
- Alone in Love
- Delightful Girl Choon Hyang
- Goong aka Princess Hours
- My Love Patzzi
Lepas ni, aku nak tengok:
- All in (24 episodes)
Ada lagikah drama-drama best yang aku tertinggal? Banyak sangat drama baru sekarang ni, aku pun tak tahu mana satu yang nak dilayan.
Report...and report.
Ok ok, to make my post longer, this is part of the report. Enjoy...hahaha.
''DEEPSim which stands for Discrete Element for Engineering Particulate Simulation is a proprietary software developed by BASF to model the particulate systems using the discrete element method. It uses linear spring dashpot model to.....bla bla bla....''
You don't understand it? Don't worry, I also don't...hahaha.
That's it, done for today. Its 4.30 pm. Wanna go home now. :D
Thursday, April 17
Renungan bersama....
by Meshary Alarada
hawli arrimalu taloffuni bal men wara'i
wallahdu yahki dholmata fiha ebtila'i
wannuru khatta kitabahu unsa lika'i
farshi atturabu yadhommouni wa hwa ghita'i
hawli arrimalu taloffuni bal men wara'i
wallahdu yahki dholmatan fiha ebtila'i
wannuru khatta kitabahu unsa lika'i unsa lika'i
wal ahlu ayna hananuhum be'ou wafa'i be'ou wafa'i
wassahbu ayna jumu'ouhom taraku ikha'i taraku ikha'i
wal malu ayna hana'uhu sara wara'i
wal esmu ayna bariquhu bayna athana'i
hadhihi nihayatu hali farshi atturabu
farshi atturabu yadhommouni wa hwa ghita'i
hawli arrimalu taloffuni bal men wara'i
wallahdu yahki dholmata fiha ebtila'i
wannuru khatta kitabahu unsa lika'i unsa lika'i
wal hubbu wadda a shawqahu wa baka raietha'i wa baka rietha'i
wddamngu jaffa masiruhu bagda buka'i
walkawnu dhaqa bi wessihi dhaqat fadha'i
fallahdu sara bi jothati ardhi sama'i
hadhihi nihayatu hali farshi turabi
wal khawfu yamla'u ghorbati wa hozna da'i
arju athabata wa ennama 'asaman dawa'i
warrabu adhu mokhlisa anta raja'i
abghi ilahi jannatan fiha hana'i
warrabu adhu mokhlisa anta raja'i
abghi ilahi jannatan fiha hana'i
Dust is my bed, embraces me and it's my cover now
The sand surrounds me even behind my back
And the grave tells a dankness of my affliction
And the brightness draws a line
Dust is my bed, embraces me and it's my cover now
The sand surrounds me even behind my back
And the grave tells a dankness of my affliction
And the brightness draws a line
Where is my family's love? They sold my loyalty!
And where is my group of friends? They left my brotherhood!
Where is the bliss of money? It's behind my back now
And my name (reputation) where is it shine between praises
This is my end and this is my bed
Dust is my bed, embraces me and it's my cover now
The sand surrounds me even behind my back
And the grave tells a dankness of my affliction
And the brightness draws a line
And love farewells its longing and my elegizing cried
And the tears went dry after crying
And the universe became narrow and so is my space
And the grave became my ground and sky
This is my end and this is my bed
Fear fills my estrangement and sadness is my illness
I expect firmness and I swear it's my cure
And for Allah i pray faithfully, you are my hope
Allah! I desire heaven, to find bliss in it
And for Allah i pray faithfully,
you are my hope Allah!
I desire heaven, to find bliss in it.
Wednesday, April 16
Personaliti Berdasarkan Bulan Kelahiran
Rahsia di sebalik bulan lahir, ianya berdasarkan kajian selama 25 tahun oleh Dato' Fadzilah Kamsah berkaitan sikap manusia. Sejauh mana ketepatan dan kebenarannya, tidaklah diketahui. Semoga anda semua terhibur membaca rahsia bulan lahir anda dan insan di sekeliling anda.
What I do & don't like working with computer...
- indoor work, worry-free about the weather
- eat & drink anytime i like
- tease and talk to my office mates whenever I like
- surfing the internet when I'm bored to death
- hear to musics all the time
- keyboard and mouse - yesssza I am a computer freak!
I don't like it when and only when:
the computer ''hang'', stucked, jammed... all those words that make all of my works gone in 60 seconds!
just like TODAY! dammit.
I guess I should bear with the only reason I don't like about working with computer.
Should I?
Regrets...and appreciation.
- You like someone very much, but you don't have the courage to tell her that you like her. You live without any regret until one day, you know that she used to like you in the past, but it's already too late.
- You want to be close to someone so badly, but at the same time, you know that 'that someone' will be hurt even more than you do if you continue to be together. You keep your feeling of wanting to be together without regrets, until one day, the person is no longer with you.
- You want to treat everyone equally, in term of love and care, but you know, no matter what you couldn't do that, because everyone is different, and they also treat you differently from the others. You live without any regret, until one day, the person that you treat with love and care doesn't even care about you.
But the truth is, life is good enough to be appreciated:
- You know that even if you're not with someone you like, it is good enough to see them happy. Her smile at least will make you smile.
- You can't possibly be close to everyone, because not everyone would like to be close to you too, but at some point, you will be able to realize that it is good enough to have some good friends, rather than thousands of them that will become your worst enemy at anytime.
- You keep thinking that your life is not good enough, you keep wanting something more and more, but this morning you saw in the media that a lot of other people are suffering in the other part of the world. You realize something important here....
Sunday, April 13
Be strong...
I can't go out
I am like the people who were abandoned here
I am just like them
I have been abandoned by the others
I have been abandoned by my colleagues
What did I do wrong?
I did not harm anyone
I'm only walking on the path i need to walk
Until now, I have been persevering and persevering
I have been bearing with all the hardship
Now I can't take it anymore
I can't persevere anymore
I was abandoned
I was rejected
I can't take this
I feel lost
I feel that I am floating in the air and I can't find my ground
What did I do wrong?
What did I do wrong?
Min Jio-Ho:
You did nothing wrong
It just that you have yet another wall
you need to cross over
This is the war of people
Perhaps the more credits you have
That wall will be higher and higher
You need to find a way to cross it
No matter how much credits you have
If you cannot cross the wall
Then all of your effort will be wasted.
Jang geum:
I don't have faith.
No, I have lost all my faith
Min Jio-Ho:
It is alright if you don't have faith
As long as you give your heart in all that you do
You must stand up again
I don't like to see you give up so easily.
You must get out of here.
- Dae Jang Geum, Episode 51.
Somebody, be Min Jio-Ho for me, please. =p
Saturday, April 12
New Layout...
Malam ni aku gatal tangan sikit untuk mengemas kini blog. Lepas saja menonton movie Van Helsing tadi, terfikir pula untuk mengubah header blog yang tidak pernah ditukar setelah sekian lama, mungkin sejak aku mula-mula berblog lagi.
So, there it goes. I changed the header, and some of the colours too, if you notice.
Maaflah andai menyakitkan mata kamu yang membaca. Aku memang tidak pakar bab-bab graphic ni.
Any comment or suggestion? Atau ada di antara kamu yang sudi membuatkan layout yang lebih mantap untuk diriku? Akan aku terima dengan penuh rela. =D
Friday, April 11
Tag #3
Tag ini menyelongkar apa yang ada di dalam beg aku. Tapi jangan risau, tak ada apa-apa yang pelik dalam beg aku ni.
Okaylah, kita mulakan satu persatu. Ini dia beg aku yang aku bawa hampir ke mana-mana saja di sini:
- Shopping center di sini tidak menyediakan plastik bag secara percuma, so untuk menjimatkan kos, kami membeli plastik bag sekali sahaja, lepas itu reuse. =D
2. Name Tag
- Pass untuk keluar masuk ke tempat kerja. Lagi lawa daripada kad matrik UTP, seryes.
3. Earphone
- Sebagai back up untuk mendengar lagu di handset andainya iPod kehabisan bateri.
4. Passport.
- Macam kad pengenalanlah kat sini. Untuk travel ke mana-mana memang penting.
5. Buku catatan.
- Tak catat apa-apa pun, hanya sebagai persediaan untuk mencatat, jika perlu.
6. Map
- Map untuk ke mana-mana kawasan berhampiran. Tapi memang jarang diguna pakai pun.
Handset, dompet, kunci? Aku tak pernah letak dalam beg. Letak dalam poket seluar atau jaket saja kerana lebih senang untuk dicapai.
Penat juga menyelongkar beg sendiri, aku tak ingin kamu semua penat, okay? Jadi aku tak ingin tag sesiapa kali ini. =p
Wednesday, April 9
Tag Lagi...
INSTRUCTIONS - You guys kena menjawab soalan- soalan yang telah pun disediakan.Tetapi here’s the twist - You’ve got to answer the questions sambil mendengar lagu di Winamp or any music players, with list of your favorite songs in random / shuffle mode. And to make things even interesting, the questions are to be answered based on the songs you are currently listening to - like for each new question, you gotta hit “NEXT” on your player and see what song comes up next, and from there, you gotta answer the questions and the answer gotta be berdasarkan atau berkaitan dengan that particular song.
Here are the questions:-
1. If Someone Say “Is This Ok?”, You Say?
- Francesca Peter - Sekadar di Pinggiran
- Sekadar di pinggiran = meminggirkan soalan itu? I'm not that kind of person, okay.
- Dido - White Flag
- White flag = bersih? menyerah kalah? Well, both terms do not describe my personality very well.
3. What Do You Like In A Guy / Girl?
- Enrique Iglesias - Push
4. How Do You Feel Today?
- Mohabbatein - Rhythm
5. What Is Your Life Purpose?
- Jamelia - Superstar
6. What Is Your Motto?
- Yanni - One Man's Dream
- my motto is my dream?
7. What Do Your Friends Think About You?
- Dil Hai Tumhara - Dil Laga Liya
8. What Do You Think About Your Parents?
- Thalia - Regresa A Mi
- Regresa A Mi = Return to me. Ada kaitankah?
10. What Do You Think About Bestie?
- Hilary Duff - Metamorphosis
- Metamorphosis = a change in form or nature. I like the person that change in form or nature??
- My life story is my exclusive privilage, it's my prerogative.
13. What Do You Want To Be When Grow Up?
14. What Do You Think When You See The Person You Like?
- Agnes Monica - Tak Ada Logika
15. What Do Your Parents Think Of You?
- In Team - Nur Kasih
- Nur kasih = cahaya kasih. Best2.. =D
16. What Will You Dance To At Your Wedding?
-Siti Nurhaliza - Bisakah
- Evanescence - My Immortal
- ''I'm tired of being here..supress by my childish fear...'' Ngarut!
- Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved
- Erm...(thinking)
19. What’s Your Biggest Secret?
- Tegan & Sara - Where does the good go
- Erk..no comment!
20. What Do You Think About The Person Who Started This Tag?