Just my thoughts and some from others (mentioned)...
Perhubungan itu dibina atas dasar persefahaman, tolak ansur dan kepercayaan antara satu sama lain. Namun antara ketiga-tiga elemen, kepercayaanlah yang membawa kepada terbinanya elemen lain dalam perhubungan. Jangan sesekali meruntuhkan kepercayaan kerana sekali ia hilang, mungkin selama-lamanya ia tak akan kembali.
Antara cinta dan pengorbanan, aku memilih pengorbanan kerana cinta boleh datang dan pergi dalam sekelip mata, tetapi pengorbanan itu kekal di hati buat selama-lamanya. Seorang ibu memiliki kedua-dua cinta dan pengorbanan terhadap seorang anak, mungkin sebab itulah ikatan ibu dan anak begitu tinggi darjatnya.
Dalam perjalanan hidup, pastinya kita akan bertemu dan berpisah. Pertemuan yang paling bermakna adalah pertemuan dengan mereka yang benar-benar menghargai kita seadanya, tidak lebih dan tidak kurang. Dan perpisahan yang paling bermakna adalah perpisahan dengan mereka yang tidak akan kita lupakan buat selama-lamanya kerana kebaikan mereka.
If you fall once, it doesn't mean you will fall twice
If you fall twice, it doesn't mean you will fall thrice,
If you fall thrice, it doesn't mean you will fall FOREVER!
If there are 100 people succeeded, YOU must be one of them,
If there are 50 people succeeded, YOU must be one of them,
If there are 10 people succeeded, YOU must be one of them,
Even if there is only ONE person succeeded, YOU must be the ONE!
- My former teacher, Puan Siti Khadijah, who used to praise my handwriting, hehe =p
If we are not happy with our life,
Just think that there is someone else in the other part of this world
who is even less fortunate than us,
and he/she really wants to sacrifice everything
just to have a life like ours.
Start to understand the others, and they will start to understand you.
Start to care about the others, and they will start to care about you.
Start to love the others, and they will start to love you.
Don't just think about yourself, because life is all about us and how we deal with people!
And the most difficult thing in this world is to deal with people.
- Dae Jang Geum aka Jewel in the Palace
If I say that I miss you, then trust me, I really miss you.
If I say that I love you, trust me, its true.
But If I say that I hate you, don't take it too deep in the heart,
I might be angry and emotionally unstable at that time,
but trust me, I don't hate people,
because I'm also a part of people community!
1 comment:
Hello from Nouméa
Thanks for these thoughts full of wisdom
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