Monday, March 31

Quotes of the day...

Just my thoughts and some from others (mentioned)...


Perhubungan itu dibina atas dasar persefahaman, tolak ansur dan kepercayaan antara satu sama lain. Namun antara ketiga-tiga elemen, kepercayaanlah yang membawa kepada terbinanya elemen lain dalam perhubungan. Jangan sesekali meruntuhkan kepercayaan kerana sekali ia hilang, mungkin selama-lamanya ia tak akan kembali.

Antara cinta dan pengorbanan, aku memilih pengorbanan kerana cinta boleh datang dan pergi dalam sekelip mata, tetapi pengorbanan itu kekal di hati buat selama-lamanya. Seorang ibu memiliki kedua-dua cinta dan pengorbanan terhadap seorang anak, mungkin sebab itulah ikatan ibu dan anak begitu tinggi darjatnya.

Dalam perjalanan hidup, pastinya kita akan bertemu dan berpisah. Pertemuan yang paling bermakna adalah pertemuan dengan mereka yang benar-benar menghargai kita seadanya, tidak lebih dan tidak kurang. Dan perpisahan yang paling bermakna adalah perpisahan dengan mereka yang tidak akan kita lupakan buat selama-lamanya kerana kebaikan mereka.


If you fall once, it doesn't mean you will fall twice
If you fall twice, it doesn't mean you will fall thrice,
If you fall thrice, it doesn't mean you will fall FOREVER!

If there are 100 people succeeded, YOU must be one of them,
If there are 50 people succeeded, YOU must be one of them,
If there are 10 people succeeded, YOU must be one of them,
Even if there is only ONE person succeeded, YOU must be the ONE!
- My former teacher, Puan Siti Khadijah, who used to praise my handwriting, hehe =p

If we are not happy with our life,
Just think that there is someone else in the other part of this world
who is even less fortunate than us,
and he/she really wants to sacrifice everything
just to have a life like ours.

Start to understand the others, and they will start to understand you.
Start to care about the others, and they will start to care about you.
Start to love the others, and they will start to love you.
Don't just think about yourself, because life is all about us and how we deal with people!
And the most difficult thing in this world is to deal with people.
- Dae Jang Geum aka Jewel in the Palace

If I say that I miss you, then trust me, I really miss you.
If I say that I love you, trust me, its true.
But If I say that I hate you, don't take it too deep in the heart,
I might be angry and emotionally unstable at that time,
but trust me, I don't hate people,
because I'm also a part of people community!

Sunday, March 30

Tribute to Saleha

Hari ini (30/03/08) aku sepatutnya pergi menghantar Saleha ke airport bersama-sama Mannheimners lain. Plan asalnya nak menghantar dari Mannheim Haupbahnhof, tapi lain pula jadinya. Semuanya kerana terlebih tidur. Itu la, semalam beriya-iya sangat hendak tengok jam berubah waktu dari pukul 2 terus ke pukul 3 (daylight saving). Tengok-tengok paginya tak terbangun seperti yang diharapkan.

Semalam siap amik screenshot lagi sebaik saja jam berubah ke pukul 3. You can see the difference, jam di atas (Windows gadjet) belum berubah lagi, tapi jam di bawah (World Server) sudahpun berubah.

click on the picture to enlarge

Pukul tiga tu terus tidur, tapi still, losing an hour in a flash, aku memang dah menjangkakan tidur aku tak akan cukup. Tapi itulah, dah jakun sangat nak tengok masa berubah, apehal? Adeh.

So, hari ini aku buatlah satu post special untuk Saleha (kerana rasa bersalah yang teramat..huhu)

To Saleha,

  • Maaf banyak-banyak sebab tak berkesempatan untuk menghantar seperti yang dijanjikan.
  • Teruskan usaha untuk berjaya tak kira dalam bidang ilmu atau kerjaya. All the best! Kami akan sentiasa doakan kejayaan anda di masa depan. Insya Allah.
  • Be happy dan tabah sokmo dalam menghadapi cabaran yang mendatang.
  • Jangan lupakan kami di sini sebagaimana kami tak lupakan anda. =D
  • We'll miss you.
  • Serangkap pantun untuk anda:-

Indah sungguh Pulau Pandan,
Tempat seisi keluarga berkelah,
Semoga maju jaya di masa depan,
Disinari bahagia dan barakah.

(maaflah pantun aku x sehebat pantun Joe)

Maafkan kami (aku dan Amir) sekali lagi. Lepas ni kalau ada kesempatan kita jumpa lagi di Malaysia. Insya Allah. =D

Thursday, March 27


Aku memang tak ada idea untuk menulis apa-apa sekarang. Tapi setelah ditagged oleh Alin, kenalah juga buat satu post.

Aku taklah sefamous Alin yang ditagged oleh ramai orang, tapi aku menjadi famous jugalah agaknya selepas ditagged oleh Alin. (sowie Alin tumpang populariti cket.. =p). Thanx juga sebab dia tag aku, at least bolehlah juga aku menulis hari ini. =D

Tag nye berbunyi begini:

1. Pilih 5 atau 50 pautan kegemaran.
Aku pilih 5 saja kerana kalau pilih 50, tentu saja pautan rahsia aku pun akan menjadi sasaran!
5 pautan kegemaran:-

- tempat bersosial masa kini
- tempat untuk stalking dan mengetahui perkembangan rakan-rakan
- tempat berhubung dengan rakan-rakan =D

-tempat mencari wallpaper, skin, visual styles dan theme untuk windows.
-tempat mengupload gamba bajet professional utk mendapat 'favourite' dan 'comments'. =p
-tempat aku berblog sebelum migrate ke

- tempat untuk melihat perkembangan teknologi handphone =D

Digital Preview
- tempat untuk melihat perkembangan terbaru teknologi kamera.

- tempat untuk mengupdate handphone dengan software terbaru. =p

ada banyak lagi, tapi semuanya dah disenaraikan di sisi kanan blog ku.
Usha-usha lah sendiri.

2. Tag balik 5 orang.
Aku pilih Harith, Husna, Azizan, Aalim dan Aru.

3. Pautan haruslah suci.
Rasanya semuanya suci. Semuanya bergantung kepada cara penggunaan. =p

4. Maklumkan orang yang ditag.
Erm...biar diorang tahu sendiri. Boleh juga tahu diorang buka blog aku ni ke idak. Heheh. xD

5. Sebut nama orang yang tag kamu.
Jazlin Ernida aka Alin

Done. Anymore tag, please? Hahah..~

Wednesday, March 26

Thanx Mannheimers! =D

Semalam (25/03/08), aku, Amir dan Mizi ke Majlis Kesyukuran sempena tamatnya pengajian Saleha, salah seorang pelajar Malaysia yang menuntut di sini. ''Tahniah Saleha!'' Aku sendiri pun lupa untuk mengucapkan perkataan itu kepada Saleha semalam. Mungkin kerana terlalu gembira dan terharu pada masa yang sama. I really didn't expect that mereka akan menyambut Hari Lahir aku sekali! Apa-apa pun aku sangat bersyukur dan berterima kasih atas ingatan yang diberikan.

Menu semalam memang best! Nasi kerabu yang kaler biru tu. Ooh..aku masih teringat-ingat lagi rasa makanan semalam. Sebelum ni aku memang mengidam untuk makan nasi kerabu biru. Dan semalam akhirnya tercapai juga...aku gembira. Tak sangka pula, tak cukup dengan mendapat makanan kegemaran aku semalam, aku mendapat hadiah yang begitu istimewa daripada mereka. Hadiah yang akan menjadi kenangan indah semasa aku berada di sini buat selama-lamanya. Thanks a lot, Mannheimers! Korang memang best.

I don't want to write a long essay here. I just want to thank each and everyone of you, Mannheimers, for the friendship, happiness, present, and everything! One of the best memories that I'll never forget in Germany is all of you. =D

Tuesday, March 25

Forgive and forget

“In life only one thing is certain, apart from death and taxes: no matter how hard you try, no matter how good your intentions, you are going to make mistake. You are going to hurt people. you are going to get hurt. and if you ever want to recover, theres really only one thing you can say… forgive and forget. That’s what they say. It’s good advice, but it’s not very practical. When someone hurts us, we want to hurt them back. when someone wrongs us, we want to be right. without forgiveness old scores never settle. old wounds never heal, and the most we can hope for is that someday we’ll be lucky enough to forget.”-Grey's Anatomy

In all honesty, no matter how hard we try, we will never forget. And maybe it's a good thing that we don't. By forgetting, you don't learn from it. By forgiving, you grow into a better person. Of course forgiving is not always as easy as it may seem. Sometimes people do or say things that are just not so easily forgiven. But the keyword in that sentence is PEOPLE. People are humans. Humans make mistakes. Humans have faults. Humans will disappoint you. It’s part of being a human.

Sometimes when you're hurt, you forget that the person who hurt you is a human. You become clouded by this anger and rage and then fail to realize that they're just being human. Of course it's also human to get hurt, to feel pain and disappointment. You then don't want to forgive because you want the others to know that they've wrong you and you want them to see it. You want them to feel the pain that they've caused you. Unfortunately, not all will. By forgiving you are releasing the pain that will eventually consume you if you don't.

"Why should I forgive and let them get away with what they've done?" That's a question I always asked when someone would tell me to just let it go. Then I realized that by keeping it in me, I was just hurting myself even more. You've ever noticed that when something is really bothering you, you can't seem to stop thinking about it? It takes up your day and distracts you from everything else you need to do. You then become caught up this need to seek out revenge or "pay back". You then become stressed, tense and irritable and in the end you're just one big mess. Never give someone that much power over you. By forgiving them, you're telling them that you're on a more advance level. You're giving them pardon for their misdoings.

Now like I said earlier, just because you forgive doesn't necessarily need to forget what happened. In fact, I urge you not to forget. When I say not to forget, I don't mean dwell on it either. I mean keep it as a reference. Keep it stored away for when you happen to be in a very similar predicament. Embrace it and make it your own. I know you're probably wondering "what is she talking about?" But seriously speaking, don't forget about it. If you forget about it you will not learn anything from it. I don't care what anyone says, you can always learn something from a bad incident. You can learn how to have a thick skin about certain things. You've learned a new way in which people can get under your skin.

By learning this, you can also learn how to prevent this pain in the future. You can create a new security system that will tell you "Hey wait! You've been through this before. Get out now before you get hurt again." You see how that works. So don't get hung up on getting even and seeking revenge. Try not to let people make you into your own worse enemy. Just take it as it is and try and get as much as you can from it because that's the only way you'll be able to grow.

Article by: Belle Chance - Helium

Quotes of the day...

''Love is wanting happiness and everything that is good for your loved one. Love is not wanting someone, it's wanting what is best for them. I don't care if she is with someone else, as long as she is happy. Knowing that she is happy is all I need. It's about sacrifice. I would make the ultimate sacrifice for my loved one. Not only would I take a bullet for her, but I would put a bullet in myself to protect her. '' -about love and sacrifice, too good if it is true!

''At the end of the day, when it comes down to it, all we really want is to be close to somebody. So this thing where we all keep our distance and pretend not to care about each other, it's usually a load of bull. So we pick and choose who we want to remain close to, and once we've chosen those people, we tend to stick close by. No matter how much we hurt them... The people that are still with you at the end of the day, those are the ones worth keeping. And sure, sometimes close can be too close. But sometimes, that invasion of personal space, it can be exactly what you need.'' - Greys Anatomy

''Pain, you just have to ride it out, hope it goes away on its own, hope the wound that caused it heals. There are no solutions, no easy answers, you just breath deep and wait for it to subside. Most of the time pain can be managed but sometimes the pain gets you where you least expect it. Hits way below the belt and doesn't let up. Pain, you just have to fight through, because the truth is you can't outrun it and life always makes more.'' - Greys Anatomy

''Maybe we're not supposed to be happy. Maybe gratitude has nothing to do with joy. Maybe being grateful means recognizing what you have for what it is. Appreciating small victories. Admiring the struggle it takes to simply be human. Maybe, we're thankful for the familiar things we know. And maybe we're thankful for the things we'll never know. At the end of the day, the fact that we have the courage to still be standing is reason enough to celebrate. '' - Greys Anatomy

I miss Grey's Anatomy show so much! When is the new season coming up? *sigh*..~

Sunday, March 23

March 23... =D

It's my birthday. Tarikh yang sememangnya dinanti-nantikan. Sekali lagi aku diingatkan tentang betapa umur aku semakin meningkat. Sekali lagi aku berasakan bahawa aku begitu bertuah kerana dikelilingi insan yang bernama famili dan kawan-kawan. Sekali lagi aku berasa begitu bersyukur kerana masih dikurniakan sebuah kehidupan yang perlu diteruskan pada hari-hari mendatang. Alhamdulillah.

Semalam semasa di rantauan dan semasa dalam perjalanan balik dari Paris, aku mendapat message (SMS) daripada beberapa orang penting dalam hidup aku. Aku sangat bahagia dan gembira memikirkan bahawa somewhere in the other part of the world, there are persons who really remember me, who really care about me. Their words of blessing and encouragement really make my day. Thanks a lot to my siblings, and my friends. And also for the person who sent me the message at sharp 12.00 am (Malaysia time), either to test it or to really wish.. =p. I really appreciate it. Sorry I don't have any credit to reply, though. You are the first anyway. I want a birthday present, later. Be prepared. =p

I really miss someone, someone who used to celebrate my birthday in UTP, someone who used to give me birthday presents, someone who used to tease me during my birthday. If you know who you are, I would like to say that I really appreciate our times together. If you read this, I would like you to know that you will always be my friend, back then, now and forever. I have never forget about you. Not even once.

And to Amir, Mizi and Tzu Fen and the geng who have wished me directly at Mannheim Haupbanhouf this morning, thanks a lot. I really appreciate it. I don't have any reason not to be happy with my entire life right now. =D

Last but not least, to all my friends that have wished through the friendster, email and so on, I would like to thank all of you. I have never been feeling this happy. I just really miss a little celebration with my family though. But, to be optimistic, not optimus, (just to follow what someone has said to me before =D), the celebration might come later, 4 months from now. Thanks a lot x 1000... =D.

Wednesday, March 19

Movies that I enjoyed recently...

Combination of Disney's animation and the reality, really makes this movie very special. Actress Amy Adams really put on a great performance in this movie. She contributed her voice in some of the songs, too. I am really happy to see Disney once again produced high quality movie that I must say, is very entertaining. I don't see a reason why you shouldn't watch this movie. It is a very adorable family movie.

The first zombie movie that I really like. Unlike Resident Evil sequels, which are full of unnecesary CGI (I admit that the Resident Evil sequels are good), but this movie really frightened me at some point. Resident evil sequels are more on to Action-Thriller film anyway. This movie is more on to Horror-Thriller. So there is no wonder, it keep gives me some nerves. I keep thinking of what if this situation really happens in the future? I just could not imagine how it will be, but this movie shows it quite well.

I found similarities between this movie and the comic that I once read, 'Harimau Laut 007' written and illustrated by Tony Wong. The plot of the story is similar to the comic, where a group of young girls were kidnapped, and being trained to be the most incredible fighters, eventually to be the infamous professional killers. If you have read the comic, maybe you will realize it. Even the training methods used in this movie are similar to those in the comic. I really enjoyed the matrix-like actions in the entire story, and most of all, although this is not a great movie, it is still enjoyable. It is an action-packed movie anyway.

Luka dilukai

Luka dilukai
by Shima

Kanan dan kiri
Cuba berlari
Masih ku dihujani
Tohmah dan caci

Jangan sekali
Aku diletak ke bawah
Hanya kerana jalan
Hidup yang susah

Tak siapa di antara
Kita di dunia
Memilih jalan hidup
Yang derita

Aku sering dipersenda
Dan sering dikecewa
Oleh hati mereka
Yang tak punya rasa

Ingin ku mengecap bahagia
Padamu kasih yang menjanjikan setia
Namun belum sempat ku merasa
Mimpi yang di bina
Hati mudah berdarah semula
Kerana dustanya...

Terhempas lagi
Kesekian kali
Luka yang dilukai
Menguji diri

Namun begitu
Aku tabahkan semangat
Biar waktu merawat

Hidup memang penuh dengan cabaran
Tidak penah ada hidup yang senang berpanjangan.
Dan tidak pula hidup itu susah berpanjangan...

Setiap kelukaan pastinya ada ubat disebaliknya.
Setiap kesakitan pasti ada penyembuh disebaliknya.
Setiap kekalutan pastinya ada tenang disebaliknya.

Tuesday, March 18

Funny, isn't it?

Romeo Offering Sensual Loving and Indulgence

Get your sexy name here

Dae Jang Geum

Dae Jang Geum A jewel in the palace

Right now, I'm watching this drama for the second round. This is the best korean drama that I have watched so far. It is a masterpiece. A real masterpiece. *clap2* =D

Lee Young Ae as Dae Jang Geum

Ji-Jin Hee as Min Jeong-Ho
What I love the most about this wonderful drama?
  • I love the main theme, which is about injustice in life. Element of how dirty the politic and cronyism is, how life is not fair for some people, and how the good and evil survive in this world, are strongly stressed in this entire drama. It shows the real truth about how life is now and then.
  • I love the ways how the main character, Dae Jang Geum faced the problems and difficulties in her entire life. She's so cute but at the same time very cool and calm. She handles everything nicely and the main thing is, she never has the words 'give up' in her life vocabulary, regardless of how big her problems are. Her endless will in learning is very impressive. I just wish...
  • I love how the drama ends. (It is a happy ending - who don't like it?) The main thing is that it makes me realize that revenge is not everything, but it is just something; something that can make you satisfy momentarily, but on the other hand you'll see the others suffer by your dirty hands. Revenge makes you as bad as the person who has wronged you. What is good about revenge, anyway? I just love how the karma principle works in this story.
  • I love to see how Jang Geum, who has suffered most of the time in the story, finally found her happiness at the end of the story. She chose happiness over the wealth and high position offered in the palace. Well, wealth and high position might be some sort of 'happiness' for some people. But I do think that this kind of happiness comes together with other bad elements. Probably.
  • I love everything about this drama. Almost all of the aspects are covered in this historical story; love, family relation, friendship, justice, etc. I learn something valuable here. Yes, sometimes a person can be very cruel like Madam Cui, but just remember that another person can also be very kind just like Madam Han. And yes, sometimes some persons can be two-faced friends like Yong Non and Geum Young, but just remember that another person can be a very true and honest friend, just like Yeon Seng.
  • A quote from Dae Jang Geum:
    ''I choose happiness over living without happiness, but recently I just couldn't escape myself from having a lot of difficulties.'' - happiness and sadness; sometimes it is not our choice to determine which one we can choose, either one can come and go without further notice..ewah.
  • Too good to be true, this story is based on a true story of a legendary girl, Seo Jang Geum, who became the first woman to be the supreme royal physician of her times (Chosun Dynasty).
I would like to recommend this drama to anyone. This is a very wonderful story about the truth that lies beneath our bittersweet life. My Rating 10/10. (IMDB Rating = 9.0/10.0) =D


A powerful song for the heart-broken, lonely and left-alone person.
I couldn't find any other song this powerful xD
by Hilary Duff
I understand why you're looking for tears in my eyes,
Trust me they were there but now the well has been dried,
I was in so deep but couldn't get out
I sat on feelings that I buried deep down
I knew there come a day when our paths would cross
And I'm glad it's today 'cause now
I am strong
I'm happy and I can thank myself
If it were up to you I'd be in my bed crying
But I'm happy and I know that makes you sad
After all the things you put me through
I'm finally getting over you
I'm happy I'm happy
There's a reason why we met
and I'm glad that we did, yeah yeah
But when we broke up
I got back a part of me I really missed
Not saying that you brought me down all the time
There were moments I lived without light on my side
I'm happy and I can thank myself
If it were up to you I'd be in my bed crying
But I'm happy and I know that makes you mad
After all the things you put me through
I'm finally getting over you
All the bitterness has passed
and I only wish you someone
who can do what I can't
I'm happy and I can thank myself
If it were up to you I'd be in my bed crying
But I'm happy and I know that makes you mad
After all the things you put me through
I'm finally getting over you
I'm happy and I can thank myself
If it were up to you I'd be in my bed crying
But I'm happy and I know that makes you sad
After all the things you put me through
I'm finally getting over you

Monday, March 17

An inspiration

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.

- Helen Keller, the first deafblind person that graduated from college.

Adakalanya sepi lebih indah...

PERLUKAH dipertahankan satu rasa yang kita pasti tak kesampaian atau perlukah kita pertahankan sebuah kehilangan yang kita pasti akan kehilangannya jua suatu hari nanti atau kukuhkan sebuah ikatan yang terbina hanya di atas keruntuhan semalam, dikutip dari serpihan hati yang telah berkecai?

Tatkala anda tidak mampu menjawab soalan-soalan seperti ini, ketahuilah bahawa sepi itu lebih indah. Ketika anda tidak pasti untuk memberikan jawapan pasti kepada soalan-soalan yang lahir dari hati anda sendiri, itu tandanya sudah sampai masanya untuk anda melangkah pergi. Kala itu sepi lebih indah daripada sebarang bunyi.

Maka katakanlah kepada diri, kali ini kita biarkanlah perpisahan ini, satu pengorbanan yang perlu kerana hidup ini hanya akan bererti bila tiba-tiba terasa kehilangan dan diperlukan, antara rela dengan tidak, walau kau lebih tahu tak ada yang lebih berharga daripada dirimu dan jua aku tak mungkin dapat melupakanmu.

Itu lebih bererti sebab adakalanya perpisahan itu lebih bermakna daripada satu perhubungan yang amat menyusahkan. Tatkala anda berasa amat sakit oleh satu perhubungan, maka adalah lebih baik melangkah pergi.

Katakan, “ Aku berhenti berharap dan menunggu datang gelap, sampai nanti suatu saat tak ada cinta kudapat, kenapa ada derita bila bahagia tercipta, kenapa ada sang hitam bila putih menyenangkan, aku pergi tanpa dendam, kuterima kekalahanku.”

- dipetik dari Mingguan Wanita, Motivasi bersama Dr. HM Tuah.

Sunday, March 16

Just some thoughts...about perfection

Setiap orang tidak sempurna,

mungkin sebab itulah

Tuhan jadikan orang itu

pelbagai ragam dan sikap

supaya masing-masing menyempurnakan

antara satu sama lain.

Belajarlah menerima

ketidaksempurnaan orang lain,

orang lain pasti akan menerima

ketidaksempurnaan kita.

Dalam pada masa yang sama,

berusahalah untuk menjadi lebih sempurna.

Walau mungkin kesempurnaan

itu sukar untuk dicapai,

sekurang-kurangnya kita akan menjadi lebih baik.

Jangan hanya menerima ketidaksempurnaan,

dan dengan rela terus leka dengan sikap lama,


tiada siapa yang dapat mengubah diri kita,

melainkan kita sendiri.

''Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib suatu kaum kecuali kaum itu sendiri yang mengubah diri mereka'' - 13:11

Saturday, March 15

I'm tired of being sorry but....

I'm tired of being sorry but I do make mistakes.

So I would like to ask for forgiveness for those who I have hurt,
either intentionally or unintentionally.

I am a normal person and I really am sorry for my mistakes.

Some quotes that make me realize how am I being far from good:-

“in life only one thing is certain, apart from death and taxes: no matter how hard you try, no matter how good your intentions, you are going to make mistake. You are going to hurt people. you are going to get hurt. and if you ever want to recover, theres really only one thing you can say… forgive and forget. That’s what they say. It’s good advice, but it’s not very practical. When someone hurts us, we want to hurt them back. when someone wrongs us, we want to be right. without forgiveness old scores never settle. old wounds never heal, and the most we can hope for is that someday we’ll be lucky enough to forget.”-Grey's Anatomy

communication. it’s the first thing we really learn in life. funny thing is, once we grow up, learn our words and really start talking the harder it becomes to know what to say. or how to ask for what we really need.-Grey's Anatomy

What matters the most is what you think of yourself.
If there's something you really want, or someone you want to be the only person
standing in your way is you yourself. - Shrek the Third

It is good to be better but it is better to be the best out of yourself. Improving step by step is better than do nothing at all. The most painful state is when you lose all of your strength and hope to change. Remember that nobody can change yourself except YOU.

"They say 'practice makes perfect' but the truth is 'perfect practice makes perfect'. They say 'be yourself' but the truth is 'be better than yourself'. Realize that nobody is perfect, and perfect practice will at least make you better even if not perfect."

“who gets to determine when the old ends and the new begins? it’s not on the calendar, it’s not a birthday, it’s not a new year, it’s an event –big or small, something that changes us, ideally it gives us hope, a new way of living and looking at the world, letting go of old habits, old memories. what’s important is that we never stop believing we can have a new beginning, but it’s also important to remember amid all the crap are a few things really worth holding on to.”-Grey's Anatomy

Friday, March 14

A song with lots of meanings...

My Immortal
by Evanescence

I'm so tired of being here.

Suppressed by all my childish fears.

And if you have to leave,

I wish that you would just leave.

Cause your presence still lingers here,

and it won't leave me alone.

These wounds won't seem to heal,

this pain is just too real,

there's just too much that time cannot erase.

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears,

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears.

and I held your hand through all of these years.

But you still have...

All of me.

You used to captivate me by your resonating light,

Now I'm bound by the life you left behind.

Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams

Your voice has chased away all the sanity in me.

These wounds won't seem to heal,

this pain is just too real,

there's just too much that time cannot erase.

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears,

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears.

and I held your hand through all of these years.

But you still have...

All of me.

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone.

But though you're still with me,

I've been alone all along.

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears,

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears.

and I've held your hand through all of these years.

But you still have...

All of me.

Thursday, March 13

I wish...

"I Wish"
by Hilary Duff

Everyday it's getting worse not better,
Maybe we should sit and finally talk.
Cuz where were at it's hard to measure,
When I'm standin in front of a wall, yeah

You wanna know why I look sad and lonely.
You wanna know why I can barely talk, well
It's not your fault so let me say I'm sorry,
For makin you the reason for my fall.

I wish that I could be like I was before.
I was ridin high but now I'm feelin so low.
I wish that you could make my world feel better,
And take away the hurt so I won't be so far gone (yeah)

I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish

You always hurt the people closest to ya,
Guess I blamed you for everything wrong.
And I don't know why it's so hard to tell ya,
I guess that's why I'm writing you this song! yeah

You wanna know why I look sad and lonely.
You wanna know why I can barely talk, well,
It's not your fault so let me say I'm sorry,
For makin you the reason for my fall

I wish that I could be like I was before.
I was ridin high but now I'm feelin so low.
I wish that you could make my world feel better,
And take away the hurt so I won't be so far gone. (yeah)

I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish

I wish that I could be like I was before.
I was ridin high but now I'm feelin so low.
I wish that you could make my world feel better,
And take away the hurt so I won't be so far gone.

I wish that I could be like I was before.
I was ridin high but now I'm feelin so low.
I wish that you could make my world feel better,
And take away the hurt so I won't be so far gone. (yeah)

I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish, (yeah)
I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish

Wednesday, March 12

Adeh x 100...

Saat kepeningan membuat simulation, aku teringatkan rumah. Am I homesick, again? Adeh..memang tak boleh lari dari homesick. Baru tiga bulan Seli oi. Lambat lagi nak abis intern kat sini. Mak aku cakap ''Dah tak lama lagi tu. Pejam celik pejam celik abisla...'' Tapi kenape aku rasa begitu lama. Mungkin sebab aku dah lama tak makan ulam pucuk ubi kayu dengan budu agaknya. Nasi kerabu yang kaler biru tu pun aku dah lama tak sentuh. Adeh x100...

Aku teringatkan pulak PC aku kat umah, PC yang begitu banyak berjasa membuang masa aku selama entah berapa ribu jam. PC yang selalu aku lebih gunakan untuk membuat benda yang bukan-bukan berbanding assignment dan homework. PC yang aku usung tiap-tiap kali bermula dan berakhirnya semester. PC yang selalu aku hentak-hentak di saat Windows nye hang. Menyesal pulak aku hentak. Sekarang nak sentuh pun tak bole. Adeh x 100...

Semalam, aku menelepon umah. Riuh rendah di rumah bagaikan memanggil aku untuk join sama memeriahkan keadaan. Suara kakak dan abang aku yang bergelak ketawa membuatkan aku begitu rindu. Aku rindu untuk bersama-sama mendengar lawak dan cerita-cerita abang aku yang sememangnya seorang penglipur lara. Aku rindu masakan mak dan k.long yang bagi aku paling sedap di dunia ini. Aku rindu untuk mengusik man dan anis. Lama lagikah aku intern kat sini? Lagu ''aku ingin pulang'' bergema di telinga aku. Adeh x 100...

Sudah tiga bulan di sini, musim bunga akan bermula tak lama lagi (officially 20 March). Minggu depan, entah macam manalah trip ke Paris nanti. Harapnya bestlah. Aku pun tak tahu. Akan menarikkah? Entahlah. Mak aku cakap duduk di sini pergilah ke serata tempat, dan enjoy, kerana bukan senang nak dapat peluang datang ke sini. Aku setuju saja cuma kadang-kadang aku terasa seperti betul-betul asing di bumi asing ini. Adeh x 100...

Teringatkan pula kawan-kawan di UTP. Dah lama aku tak ke Ipoh bersama Harith. Rindu pulak nak membonceng motornya. Kalau bukan ke Ipoh sekali pun, ingin sekali aku ke McD Gopeng bersama. Sebut pasal McD, aku terasa kempunan. Foldover? Big Mac? Adeh x 100... aku rindu amat makanan itu di samping masakan mak ngn k.long. Kenapekah? Kenape? Kenape di sini tiada McD yang halal. Dah lama juga aku tak bersenda gurau dengan Mudzil. Teringat juga akan rumet yang suke menempel di katil aku tu. Yelah katil aku memang kemas..sape tak suke. Hihihik. =D

Panjang pulak cerita hari ini. Bosankah aku..? Agak bosan jugalah. Tiap-tiap hari dengan rutin yang sama. Tapi memang begitulah kehidupan, tak boleh lari daripada rutin. So, for now, mahu tak mahu, I'll just enjoy my life. Life is short, there is no reason for me not to be happy in that short moment of life.

Thursday, March 6

Some quotes and thoughts...

Kita hanya akan menghargai sesuatu bila ia hampir
atau telah hilang dari sisi kita.

Semalam, kenangan yang tidak boleh diubah,
Hari ini, realiti yang sepatutnya kita gunakan sebaiknya kerana
Hari esok, masa depan yang tidak tentu, bermula dari apa yang kita buat hari ini.

Kebahagiaan seseorang itu letaknya bukan pada segala apa yang dimilikinya tapi ia terletak pada sejauh mana dia bersyukur atas apa yang dimilikinya.

Hari ini kita merungut kerana kesusahan yang sekejap, tapi kita tidak sedar bahawa kesusahan kita bukanlah seberapa jika hendak dibandingkan dengan ramai lagi insan yang kurang bernasib baik, yang mengalami kesusahan berpanjangan.

Among those heartless glances, just remember that there will always be trustful and thoughtful care.

No matter how successful you are, you can't live in this world alone.

There will always be hope no matter how small is the light of hope. Don't give up no matter what!

Jangan dipuji sebelum diuji,
Jangan dikeji sebelum dikaji.

Satu sen yang benar,
Lebih baik daripada sejuta yang palsu.

Tuesday, March 4



Menghabiskan masa dan duit.

Mengambil cuti setelah

penat dan bosan di Basel.

Bershopping dari pagi ke petang.

Seorang diri, aku tidak lagi terkawal.

Membeli itu dan ini.

Tapi aku puas. Puas hati.

Hampir semua wish list aku tercapai.

It is a special month for treating myself anyway.

Completed wish list:

- 2 pairs of shoes - one of them is white :D

- Canon Powershot A720 IS

- A track suit

- A white shirt

- A new bag

Incomplete wish list:

- A present for my mak

- A jeans (wish that I'll get my size later)

The thing that I really hope for now is,

that my new camera will last for at least 2 years.

And, this is the last chance for Canon to prove

its worthiness as my companion.

My favourite colours are now red, blue and white :D

Hati Berbisik

Hati Berbisik
by Siti Nurhaliza

Malam Bertandang

Hati Berbisik Mengenang

Cerita Derita Yang Daku Pendam

Kata Menguji

Cuba Untuk Kusudahi

Berulang Airmata Membasahi

Aku Kini Perlu Berdiri

Walau Hakikatnya

Pasti Kan Melukai

Aku Ingin

Semua Rasai

Kerna Pengakhirnya Hidup

Ku Sendiri

Oh Tuhan Kau Berikan Aku

Segala Kekuatan



Hidup ini kadang-kadang tidak seperti yang kita harapkan. Siapa yang tidak inginkan kebahagiaan, ketenangan dan segala macam kesenangan. Namun, kadang-kadang, hidup ini begitu memeritkan. "Inikah ujian, inikah cabaran?" Hati berbisik, bertanya dan terus menerka apakah erti sebenar di sebalik segala yang berlaku. Mungkin segalanya hanya untuk mematangkan lagi diri, dan memberi kekuatan untuk menyedari bahawa kita tidak boleh bergantung hidup kepada orang lain, kerana pengakhirnya hidup nanti kita tetap akan bersendirian.