If you feel unlikely to give good/positive comments on any of my posts, please, pretty please, DO NOT leave any comment at ALL.
Comment like this "I think I can give opinion about your post which is not boring, so that people will not waste their time reading your post!" or this one "This topic is childish" - is NOT APPRECIATED at ALL. So, sorry (should I be?) if I put them to trash.
From now own, comments from anonymous aka annoying, people out of nowhere have been disabled. If you really want to comment, use your blogspot or other open ID (live journal, wordpress, etc)
I don't care for comments, I don't care for the traffic hit. I write for myself and sometimes for my friends. So, I'll just write what I think is good for us. If you don't know me at all, yes you can comment, but please be good, or I'll be mad!
p.s: Just tired of stupid spammers who think that they are better than the others. Go away spammers, I don't like your unnecessary comments AT ALL.
Perjalanan PhD
Tergerak hati untuk berkongsi pengalaman dalam menggapai PhD ni. Daripada
blog ini dibiarkan sepi semoga ia dapat memberi suntikan semangat untuk
sesiapa ...
5 years ago
I hate spammers! Seriously.
wah marah nampak...control2..relax...hihi..sabar yer..sometimes org2 tuh mengular je ke blog2 kesayangan kite..pastuh jeles xbertempat...tuh yg jd mcm kurang asam sket.... [meh beli asam jawa kt aku meh] *dush*
please go away spammers... we dont like you...also, spammer in my inbox..please stop it... aku karatee kang~
okaylah...gud morning~
fuiyoo..saba rosli..saba...
tak pnah dapat spammers like those pun. ko set je disable anonymous comment, pstu kalo nak avoid spammer lagi ko letak word verification. haa.. confirm takde spammer dah :)
pitya, i know you hate them too. hihi. good morning juge :)
dayla, tgh saba la ni, kalau tak lagi teruk bahasa yg diguna.
jazlin, dah disable anonymous comment. word verification tu mls nk letak.
i don't spammers. but i have anonymous comments from "people" who love to flame old-old entries. tp tape rosli, diorg flame, it means kite telah menyentuh hati mereka, dgn kebosanan, POVs or whatever la kan?
but people, don't do it anonymously lah... it's no fun. tade thrill la...
can i do the chicken flap now?? :P
haha..glad you think so Illy. dah penat gak layan anonymous ngn spammers ni. kalau sekali dua xpe. ni asyik2 ada je komen ntah pape.
hot stuff
hot blogger
hot segalanya..
standard a tu buddy..
nama dah hot perghh
pssss...panas doh
i dont like spammers either~ haha...idea..sile la kemari...gue mau tulis entry ni
hohohohot..hot ke? banyak la mu punye hot harith oi.
idea oh idea..aku pun xde idea gak ni.
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