Wednesday, July 30

XxX .Banned shop. XxX

My roomate and I sent our Industrial Internship Final Report for hard cover binding purpose to one of the shops at Bandar Seri Iskandar last week on Sunday (20th July 2008). The report was supposed to be submitted to the UTP Supervisor last week (due date was 25th July). I saw a massive number of ordered books at the shop, and quickly asked the owner whether he wanted to take new orders. He agreed instantly, and promised that the hard cover binding will be completed by Wednesday (23rd July).

So, we went there on Wednesday, and found out that our reports were still not ready. The owner (this time a woman) said that the books will be ready by Thursday afternoon. I had some uneasy feelings at that time, but I still considered that hopefully by Thursday we will get our reports back.

On Thursday (afternoon), we went to the shop again and discovered that the shop was closed. What the heck?? Friday was the due date! We explained to the owner before that we have to submit the report by Friday. Did they ignore this fact? Unfortunately, we didn't have their phone numbers. If not, I might throw some 'beautiful words'. Oh No..I am a student of UTP. I can not tarnish the university's image. :p

So, we went to the shop again (4th time) in the evening on the same day. Luckily that time it was opened, but unluckily the reports were still not ready. I remember exactly how the lady said, " Jangan bimbang, saya dah buat kerja ni dah lama, tak pernah ada problem. Esok you akan dapat balik buku (referring to the reports) you paling lewat pukul 2 petang. Biasanya tengah hari you dah boleh dapat. Nanti I message."

Tunggu punya tunggu, esoknya (Jumaat) sampailah lepas habis solat Jumaat, tak ada satu pun message yang sampai. I decided to call my UTP Supervisor for the Industrial Internship, Dr. Chandra Mohan to delay the report submission. I was very lucky that he said yes, and I may submit my report on Tuesday - 29th July (he was not around on Monday 28th July). Fuh, lega. Alhamdulillah.

Petangnya, tepat jam 5.20 petang, aku dan rumet menerima message yang sama, "Buku dah sampai!" - that was exactly how the owner type the message, dengan satu tanda seru. Bukannya nak cakap elok-elok. Contohnya at least cakap la macam ni, "Salam, buku dah sampai. Maaf sebab lambat." Aiyoo..itu pun nak kena ajar ka? Masa tu we're on our way back home (Kota Bharu). Aku just reply, "Baru sampai ke? Kami dah terpaksa explain kat lecturer sebab tak hantar report on time." - and there was no reply.

Aku malas dah cakap panjang. Cakap panjang-panjang pun tak guna. Dah panjang pun. Kalau nak cakap pasal kualiti laagi laa..tambah-tambah panjang. Hahaha. For your information ni dia kedai tu (marked in red). So tengok betul-betul kalau nak hantar report atau apa-apa kerja lain yang penting:

Look closely (sebelah kedai tauke cina tu..)

I'm not in any sense nak sekat rezeki orang atau seumpanya, I just wanted to express my uneasy feeling towards the service providers out there that never think of their bad service to the customers. Do they think that they can go on easy for another years to come if they continue with the same attitudes? I wonder when our country will achieve that 2020 thing. Huh.~

Monday, July 21

Back in UTP. ~

Second day in UTP. I was in UTP since yesterday (20/07). So how's UTP after eight months? Sama saja macam dulu. Nothing much has changed except the food price is at the very highest level sejak zaman penubuhan UTP. Kalau nak katakan makanan bertambah sedap, tidak pula. Memanglah bersyukur kerana masih ada makanan dan tidak kebulur namun, alangkah bagusnya kalau berada di rumah. Teringat makanan di rumah. Huh..~

As usual, awal-awal semester kenalah susun jadual, daftar kelas itu dan ini. Nothing much, macam biasalah agak kelam kabut awal-awal ni. Pening juga dengan clash2 nya kelas elektif dengan major semua. Adeh.

UTP macam dulu saja. Orangnya (akulah) pun tak berubah sangat - sama saja mind set nya. Mungkin agak membandingkan suasana kerja dan belajar sajalah. I miss good old days in Germany, and I miss masakan mak.

Good news is, my best buddy (currently my rumet too :D) and I will be going back to our hometown this weekend. Yay..can't wait for that moment. :D ~

Wednesday, July 16

Alhamdulillah - Back Home

Alhamdulillah, 14 Julai 2008, tepat jam 6.30 pagi (waktu Malaysia), aku selamat tiba di KLIA. Perjalanan dari Frankfurt mengambil masa kira-kira 11 jam 30 minit. Next to me is a German woman, who currently lives in Australia. She’s very friendly, similar to Germans that I have met before. Perjalanan memang menyeronokkan kerana aku duduk di sebelah tingkap pesawat. The scenery was amazing, and it was really fun to talk to her. She shared a lot of her view related to Germany and Australia. As usual, these are some of the shots that I captured on the way from Frankfurt – KLIA (katalah aku jakun sebab amik gamba banyak sangat - aku memang jakun pun! :p) :

Setibanya di KLIA, aku terus menuntut bagasi dan menuju ke kaunter untuk check-in bagi penerbangan seterusnya dari KLIA ke Kota Bharu. Selesai check-in, I went to KFC for breakfast. I requested for an X-Meal but only nasi lemak was available – RM7.50 + a cup of tea! Dahlah kurang sedap. Kalau kat kampung aku baru RM1.00, sedap pula. Selesai makan, aku ke ruang menunggu.

Tepat jam 10.15 pagi aku meninggalkan KLIA, dan kira-kira jam 11.00 pagi, aku tiba di Lapangan Terbang Sultan Yahya Petra, Pengkalan Chepa. Some shots during the flight from KLIA-KB:

Welcome back to me! It was really fun to be back. It is not fun however, thinking that I’ll be going back to UTP soon – all the hectic life, etc. It makes me wanting to go back to the internship life. Hahahah. See you later in UTP :p

Sunday, July 13

Last day in Germany + T H A N K S

Today is my last (full) day in Deutschland. Aku akan meninggalkan Deutschland insya Allah tepat jam 12.30 tengah hari esok (waktu Jerman). 7 months ++ was a really good experience to learn something new and extraordinary in my life. It was a great opportunity.

Yesterday, I went to BASF for the last time to settle for everything. It was good to hear final words from my supervisor before leaving BASF. Banyak juga yang aku pelajari daripada dia. In fact, I was relieved that he checked my final report from page to page, (there were tonnes of errors) even though he was very busy. I couldn't thank him enough, I just can promise that I'll keep in touch and updating him with my study, career and all.

My supervisor and some of my colleagues asked me if I would like to come back to Germany in the future. I just can say it will be great if I have another chance to come here. Everything here seems to be just fine and it gets better as the time flies. I would never have definite answer for that, just go by the flow.

I am happy. I got a gift from BASF! It was not actually a gift, but I wanted to treat it that way. At first I thought that I have to return the pendrive from BASF, but fortunately my supervisor said I can keep it, as a gift from BASF to the interns. Yay..I like it (well, who don't like free stuffs?)

I like it. Thanks BASF!

Itu cerita semalam, dah agak basi. Macam mukaddimah la orang cakap. Ni nak masuk cerita hari ni plak. Tadi aku ke Lindenhof untuk berBBQ bersama dengan Mannheimers. That was the last gathering for us, it was fun and sad too. Makanan memang sedap, aku memang respek mereka. Memang terer bab masak-masak. Entah bila lagi boleh merasa masakan mereka.

Some shots that I captured during the last gathering:

Starting the fire - aku tolong: tolong tengok :p

Mula membakar ayam :D

Sede mula sedih - mungkin sebab akan berpisah. Hahaha :p

Pudin dan Faizal berasap-asap

Aku pula berasap-asap - tapi hanyalah lakonan semata-mata - Kuang3x :p

Ayam yang sangat best! Sapekah yang perap ayam ni..sila share resepi ye.

It was fun and delicious but I have to leave earlier to go to Heidelberg to buy some more souvenirs for my friends and relatives. Thank to Gunter for giving me a ride to Heidelberg. :D It was kind of last minute but luckily I realize that I haven't buy enough things for them.

I hope that I can give something to my friends, as a token of appreciation, especially to those who didn't mind that I disturbed them with YM, friendster, etc during my time here. I hope so. Hehehe. For those who didn't reply my messages, comments at all, yup I admit that I kind of dissapointed. But hey, maybe you're busy and maybe I annoyed you with the messages.

I have finished packing. I just hope that there will be no problem for the check-in tomorrow. Doakanlah untuk perjalanan aku esok ya.

Panjang pula bercerita. Ok, dipendekkan cerita, aku sangat bersyukur kerana mendapat peluang untuk berada di Germany beberapa bulan lepas dan aku berasa sangat bertuah kerana bertemu dengan ramai kawan baru. 7 bulan bukan waktu yang singkat, jadi aku ingin memohon kemaafan andainya ada salah silap aku dalam berkawan - aku bukan insan yang baik, jauh sekali sempurna. Last but not least, thank you so much for everything. Keep in touch everyone. :)

Sayonara dan semoga jumpa lagi..insya Allah. :D

Friday, July 11

“I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.” - Henry David Thoreau

Ceduk gaya Alin cket, buat quote sebagai title. Hehehe. Jangan mare Alin. Tadek idea ni nak letak tajuk apa.

Nak update pasal apa ni. Ok, semalam aku pergi ke Wuerzburg, which is located 114 kilometers from Ludwigshafen (tempat tinggal aku sekarang). Nasib baik lebih 2 marhalah, bolehlah aku buat solat jamak qasar. :)

Nak dijadikan cerita, aku memang 'ter'bangun lambat semalam. Tidur pun dah 3.oo pagi, nak expect bangun awal? Huh..tapi apa-apa pun aku dah nekad untuk ke Wurzburg sebelum aku balik ke Malaysia. Aku terus bersiap, dan memulakan perjalanan kira-kira jam 11.40 pagi.

Jam 3.22 petang, aku sampai di Wuerzburg. I still remember the first time I reached there was during winter-spring, it was quite cold. Tapi sekarang? Wah..begitu panasnya. Kadang-kadang aku rasa lagi panas daripada cuaca di Malaysia. Air yang aku bawak satu botol (1 liter) dah habis semasa berada dalam train lagi.

Yeah, apa lagi ye..malas nak cerita banyak-banyak, just wanna show some photos that I think are good enough to my eyes (again, malas nak edit - I just made them smaller in term of resolution and uploaded them right away). I'm quite happy with the results - even without editing. I love my camera - it's really worth to own it. Alhamdulillah :D

The first shot - the Wuerzburg river

Wuerzburg river

Found this spot under the bridge - the fish is very big..goreng pun sodap :p

Another pond shot

Fortress Marienberg - on da way to Kaepele

Fortress Marienberg - another view

View from the Kaepele - Thanks to the German-Thai husband & wife.

A hiking route behind the Kaepele

Behind the Kaepele

A different view of the jungle

Love the jet trails into the clouds

Fortress Marienberg - from the Kaepele

The Kaepele - once it was a church

Wuerzburg old city

Another view...

Another one...

And another one...

Fortress Marienberg - a closer view.

The UNESCO Residence Palace - thanks to an aunty

The Residence Palace - one of the most important castle in Europe

The Residence Palace

The Residence Palace - another view

The Residence Palace - another view

Look at the sky.. :).

Last shot in Wuerzburg

One of the most beautiful sunset I ever see in Germany :D

Orait, enough of photos. Aku sampai di rumah hampir 11.30 mlm. Penat tapi aku rasa berbaloi kerana dapat ambil banyak gambar yang menarik. This is my last shot for that day, semasa menunggu bas untuk balik ke rumah. I'll miss this place after this. :(

Ok, one (or two) more post to go before going back to Malaysia.

See you later in next post. :D

Wednesday, July 9


Nak dijadikan cerita, sekarang aku tinggal sorang kat rumah. Dua lagi kawan dah balik. Nak dijadikan cerita lagi, aku ingatkan sebab aku tinggal lebih lama di sini, kenalah aku bayar sewa rumah lagi banyak. Tapi, lepas tuan rumah tanya bila aku akan keluar, aku cakap la aku akan keluar 13hb, lepas tu dia cakap aku kena bayar untuk 10 hari. (Kawan-kawan kena bayar untuk 9 hari). Dia salah kira ke apa? Hahaha.

Pagi tadi ingatkan nak pergi ke Wurzburg (3 jam perjalanan dari rumah by train), tapi tak jadi sebabnya aku terlebih tidur 'sikit'. Wahaha. Aku dah pergi sekali masa winter, and it's a very nice place. I think it will be better in summer with blue sky, and greener tree - perfect for photography. I am no professional in photography, but I would love to discover the profesionalism in that field. Cewah. :p

Al-kisahnya, maka aku ke Speyer untuk kali kedua. Memang lagi cantik masa summer, no doubt. So aku nak share gambar-gambar di sana. Aku malas nak edit gambar kali ni, so aku just kecik kan saiz dan terus upload saja.

Traveling alone; lebih banyak masa untuk landscape photography. Kalau tak asyik penuh dengan gambar muka sendiri saja (dan muka kawan-kawan juga). Hahahaha. :p

From the train station, I took a bus and went to Auto & Technik Museum. Aku ambil gambar dekat luar saja. Nak masuk sebab ingatkan free entrance (atau pun at least murah) tapi rupa-rupanya perlu bayar €12.50, so aku kensel saja sebab aku dah plan nak masuk Sea Life sejak dari awal lagi (Sea Life costs almost €12 too).

A bro - mangsa pertama untuk ambil gambar aku - peace.

Memang betul-betul teknikal..huh. Pening2.

An airplane - Cimber. comel namanye

Hohoho...silap makan ubat ke pilot dia ni. :p

Then, tanpa membuang masa aku terus ke Sea Life, Yeah. Dalam perjalanan aku melalui Speyer Dome yang femes tu. Apa lagi, aku snap la gamba beberapa keping. Langit biru memang membuatkan Dome itu bertambah cantik.

An uncle - mangsa kedua untuk peace. Belakang Dome.

Hohoho..Speyer Dome

Another view

another one

and another one...

A restaurant near the Dome - dihias sakan!

Jalan punya jalan, akhirnya aku sampai ke Sea Life Speyer. Sea Life ni orang cakap macam Underwater World Langkawi la. (Aku tak pernah pergi lagi Langkawi - so tak boleh nak compare). Here are some of the photos that I really like:

Sebelum masuk kena cop dulu atas tangan - nak tanda supaya takleh masuk dua kali. Hahaha.

Gaya seorang pro - tengok budak tu ternganga kerana kagum dgn ke'pro'an aku. Wahaha.

Posing kak jangan tak posing.

There's something about this shot that I really like. Silhouette maybe?

Kalaulah aku budak kecik, dah lama aku masuk dalam globe tu adik oi...

Nemo is here!

Kuda laut..hijau putih kalernye..opS.

Batu karang sahaja..I don't see any fish here.

Begitulah habisnya hari aku. It was really fun. Nanti aku akan upload the rest of the photos in DeviantART, maybe as stock photos. So, if you want the photos, just download them from my DeviantART account later.