Monday, November 17

#Tag 11 - Workstation

The 11th tag is from Miss Zaza. It's about workstation - here is the instruction.

Arahan: Snap work station anda. Then..taruk link blog kat bawah gambar work station anda..iaitu bersebelahan dengan link-link blog yang ada..tengok contoh yang dibuat nih..begitulah seterusnya sampai bila-bila, ok..sekiranya tag ini berkembang..pastikan akan ada banyak link-link di bawahnya..kalau tak..terencatlah dia..hahaha..lastly..tolong pas tag ini pada tujuh (7) blogger lain..pass lah pada siapa-siapa.

That's it. This is my workstation after the "Engineers in Society" thing. I'll remove the tablet when I want to start preparing for "Reactor Design" later. Wish me luck guys. Tq :D

No one is going to be tagged in this one. Lucky you guys. Hahaha.


h a r i t h said...

mmg outlaw a...hahaha..fuhss..x yah buat hahaha

Miss Zahidah Zakaria said...

workstation yg cool ;P

Husna said...

nape banyak sgt wire? hee..~ =p

moroka said...

harith, outlaw? 0_o

zaza, cool ke? tq :D

wusna, mmg la byk wayar, ada byk lagi benda lain di sekeliling yg memerlukan wayar. :p

iLLy said...

hoho.. kalau letak my workstation.. pengsan safety officer sedunia... tak HSE compliance langsung.. :p

moroka said...

luckily i don't tag you, illy. :p