At last some update - sorry everyone. I was really "busy" with so many things - personal matters, family matters, the projects, resume, bla's a long story.
After a few weeks in my final year final semester, I have something to share. These are quoted from my lecturers, and some of the speakers who came to my university recently. (They are not supposed to be 100% accurate - because I don't have enough "ability" to remember each and every words in order - here comes the matter of ability test)
"You will only apply not more than 10% of your knowledge that you learn in the university for your work - maybe maximum of 15%."
"Why do we have to learn so much in fact you'll only be using part of your knowledge for your job - that's because you don't know which part of those knowledge you will use in the future."
"You're unfortunate because you're the first - in the world of new horizon. Everyone wants to be equal to be different?. Don't ask your father, grandfather - because you're the first in the new horizon"
"Going to other company doesn't mean that you're not loyal. Most of the students who work for international companies said that after some years, they will eventually come back to serve for the country."
"Our education system has set our mind to focus on science and technology as the main subject - and does not really develop other intelligences that all of us probably have. We do have seven intelligences - some of us can master in one or two, some can master all"
And last but not least from Helen Keller. Who is she? Read here
"I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."
Perjalanan PhD
Tergerak hati untuk berkongsi pengalaman dalam menggapai PhD ni. Daripada
blog ini dibiarkan sepi semoga ia dapat memberi suntikan semangat untuk
sesiapa ...
5 years ago
haa update akhirnya :)
i know whose quotes are some of those. hehe thanks for inspiring lecturers we have this semester :D
got to agree with this "Our education system has set our mind to focus on science and technology as the main subject - and does not really develop other intelligences that all of us probably have. We do have seven intelligences - some of us can master in one or two, some can master all"
u're back!!
you're back~! yippee~
i so agree with the 10% application thing. I'm a hands on girl, and i struggle in class with theories and all. but put me in the middle of real life situation and i get it.
yay! seli is back...
i like the quote on loyalty. u cld always serve your country nnti... =)
here's a quote from my FYP SV...
"enjoy your final year, dont tension2, you're only student once"
new horizon..~ -_-"
alin, at last update ye. hahah. our lecturers indeed are inspiring. we are the ones who don't have enough aspiration to be inspired. :P
gta, I'm always here most of the time.
illy, very true, our education system concerns only about study and we don't even realize what are we going to face in the real world.
fiqa, i like the quote from your sv. I think I know who your sv is. hehehe. :D
husna, new horizon. yep. unfortunately..~
pergh..gadis2 menunggu abe li rupenya..haha cheers! Goodluck for structured i'view ^^
hehe..selamar berfinal year!
harith, tq. xde maknenye menunggu yg xkan kesampaian.huhu
pitya,tq. selamat bekerja.
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