I think I haven't sleep for the last 24 hours. I don't really remember how much caffeine did I take last night. I tried to sleep but the caffeine in my blood pretty much told me not to. I woke up and start my routine with studying? Of course not. This week is going to be the last week in UTP before Hari Raya holiday. My mind is not in UTP, not anymore...only my body is.
If you asked me, how is the final year so far? I can quickly answer, "It is very well-packed with projects, but it doesn't mean my life is over." I have to at least open my photoshop program or browse through the internet - or else I'll explode thinking of all those projects.
This is gonna be my last post before Raya, so I would like to wish all of you "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin." Kita manusia biasa memang tak boleh lari daripada melakukan kesilapan, oleh itu marilah kita saling bermaaf-maafan sempena bulan yang mulia ini. 0-0
I need to sleep now. It's almost 7.00 AM!
Perjalanan PhD
Tergerak hati untuk berkongsi pengalaman dalam menggapai PhD ni. Daripada
blog ini dibiarkan sepi semoga ia dapat memberi suntikan semangat untuk
sesiapa ...
5 years ago
stay up study reactor design ehhhh
fuuuuh... my body does not tolerate coffee. at all.
alin, reactor design tu apa eh? hahaha.
illy, my body does not tolerate coffee too..that's why I couldn't sleep..hahaha.
nape amek caffein in da first place kalo nak tedo? mesti stadi ni, reactor design ek alin? hikhik~
hahaa..asalnya igt nak stadi but melagho je lebih...
thank you! :D
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