Wednesday, August 6

Life as a student in UTP

I have no idea for new post. Not much of experiences to be shared, not much of incidents to be spilled out either. Heard of "kes buang bayi" somewhere around here, but what is the buzz? It is not nothing new except that it happened over and over again among college students who were once expected to be the future leaders. I don’t want to talk about that. Jagalah diri, hiasilah peribadi. Someone said, "Nak buat jahat pun pandai-pandailah. Jangan sampai malu diri sendiri dan menyusahkan orang lain (family, etc)."

Enough of that matter. This is what I wanna talk about. What is the difference between being in the final year and the previous junior-years? Not much except that there are a lot of projects going on. I wonder what the real purpose of these projects is. I don’t want to talk about that any longer either. The main thing is, UTP is still the same in term of internet connection, etc. It is really frustrating when I really want to do my projects and assignments but the connection just sucks. Sometimes, it takes forever to load a simple page like Google. How much do we have to pay for the connection? Does anyone here know about the price? What I know is it doesn’t come with a FREE price tag. Maybe it is included somewhere in the fees.

And secondly, the "good" news is allowance for this month is still pending. Good! It is already August 6. Make megi repih pat la napoknye bulan ni, dok gitu best buddy? Hahaha. I don’t wanna talk about that any further either. Then some strangers who read this post will ask, "Why don’t you complain about these matters to the respective persons/departments?" And I’ll simply answers, "I don’t wanna do that, not anymore because they are the same persons who had received similar complains approximately 1-2 years ago, and the same things happen over and over again!"

It’s not that I am not grateful to be here. I am. It’s just that sometimes I feel lost (in the Lost World of Tronoh) and disappointed with some of these facts.


h a r i t h said...

Hahaha..TAHU X PE..megi belah 4 tu..nice~ jimat sih..kesian best buddy..dh la skoler bulan 7 x masuk2 lg..huhu ape nk jadi la pet nampak gaya kena la make megi jg aku ni..huhu

Mohd Hafizd said...

megi pon kalo dah lame2 muakkksss

happy final year...

jmpe time convo yer

Husna said...

saba ek.. kalo malas, kt leh tolong masakkan megi~ =P

moroka said...

masak megi je ke? masak la nasi ayam ke..heheheh :p

iLLy said...

haaaaaa... TAHU XPER..... i heard about the terrible net connection from ms yanti tau, [die lecturer i].. i was like.. x habis2 lagi ke?

dgn ESU buat pasal nye... aduyaiiiii

moroka said...

things happen, illy. hahahaa. and it happens everytime in utp. :-p

Mr Leprechaun said...

Hollaaa... dop balik kelate ko in nearest time?

moroka said...

aku balik weekend ni..sempena kemerdekaan. yihaaaa! :D

Mr Leprechaun said...

wah.. bagus2.. brapow ari cuti? jom tubik!

moroka said...

cuti semeta jah. balik ari kamis atau jumaat pastu ari senin or selasa kena balik utp smula dh.

Mr Leprechaun said...

cun cun.. kito tubik weekend ah.. jom laaaaaaa... ko ado hal lain? huhu

moroka said...

bereh..aku balik bkn wat gapo sangat pun..sajo2 jah. kalu duk dumoh pun ngadap komputer jugok kijo. hahaha.