Saturday, May 31

Survey on internship programme.

Here it goes, the poll result.


Internship will end soon. How do you feel?

Possible answers:
1.Great. No more work loads. No more over time.
2.Great. Back to student life. UTP. Ipoh. DC++.
3.Sad. I will leave my working life and great experiences during internship.
4. Sad. I will miss my office mates and my supervisor.

The result:

The most chosen answer is 'Great. Back to student life. UTP. Ipoh. DC++.'
How much we have missed UTP and our homes?
I feel this way, too. Missing home and hectic life in UTP :D
Most of us feel that studying is better than working, huh?
Ok..sometimes working is better than studying - for certain reasons.

At the second place: 'Sad. I will leave my working life and great experiences during internship.'
Not all experiences are good, but that is the reality- the truth.
Good or bad, all of them are memories that will not be forgotten, forever.
Put aside the bad things, and keep the good ones alive in our hearts. :D

Third place: 'Sad. I will miss my office mates and my supervisor.'
We do have new friends. If 7-8 months is not enough for even a new friend during internship, then it must be a very sad story to be told later. Friends, we will always need them, and the best of all are the ones that we really need whether we are sad or happy, whether we are alone or not.

Last but not least: 'Great. No more work loads. No more over time.'
I guess most of the interns are not burdened with tonne of works. But I do hear from some of the interns that they were burdened with lots of works in some work places (nama syarikat dirahsiakan atas sebab-sebab tertentu). Just bear with it okay, only one month++ to go. :p

Thursday, May 29

Chemical plant visit: I love chemicals even more :D

Aku buat dua post hari ini. Maaflah, ada banyak benda yang nak dikongsi bersama. Kamu tanak baca pun tak apa. Aku gian untuk mengupdate blog ni. Heheh.

Hari ni aku menghadiri seminar di tempat kerja. Bukanlah seminar sangat, tapi lebih kepada melawat chemical plant, tempat penghasilan Neopor dan Styropor. BASF menghasilkan banyak produk berasaskan polymer, dan 33% daripadanya ialah bahan asas untuk penghasilan plastik.

Ada satu lecture tentang plastik. Makin bertambah kesedaran aku tentang betapa pentingnya plastik dalam kehidupan. Look around you, plastic is everywhere. Ceramah hari ini dalam bahasa Inggeris. So, tak perlulah translator lagi. Seminar tentang environment beberapa bulan lepas diadakan dalam bahasa Jerman, so most of the time aku cuma ternganga (literally la - bukan ternganga betul-betul). Ceramah hari ini mengingatkan aku tentang lecture di UTP. Adeh..malas pulak rasanya nak kembali belajar.

Dalam plant tersebut, kami diberi peluang untuk melihat lebih dekat bagaimana Neopor dan Styropor dihasilkan. Siap boleh sentuh lagi the last product yang belum dipacking untuk pasaran. Kagum jugalah aku, mungkin kerana selama ini aku asyik berada dalam office saja. Peralatan yang digunakan pun nampak canggih. Hehehe.

At 2.30 p.m., seminar dan plant visit tamat seperti yang dijadualkan. Aku kagum juga dengan time management di sini, semuanya berjalan seperti yang dijadualkan. Tak ada tangguh-tangguh walau seminit. Dan hari ini, aku gembira kerana dapat makan percuma. Makan tengah hari tadi ditaja oleh BASF. Alhamdulillah :D

Hari ini aku rasa aku sangat bertuah kerana memilih Chemical Engineering 4 tahun lepas. Walaupun aku masih belum tahu macam mana masa depan aku nanti, di manakah aku akan tercampak, namun, jauh di sudut hati aku, aku berasa sangat bersyukur. Kerana chemical engineering, aku berada di sini hari ini. Dan kerana chemical engineering aku dapat bertemu beberapa orang istimewa dalam hidup aku. :D

Bosan kan cerita aku. Maaflah aku syok sendiri hari ini. :p

Kisah duit syiling

Baru semalam aku post tentang macam mana attitude orang Jerman, hari ini aku mahu tak mahu kena buat satu post lagi. (alasan untuk update blog, harap maklum :p)

Al kisahnya bermula begini. Semalam aku pergi ke PennyMarkt dengan Mizi. Masa tu jam lebih kurang 8.30 malam. (Supermarket tu tutup jam 10.00 mlm). Kami memang membawa banyak syiling. In fact aku bawa satu kotak syiling yang aku kumpul selama aku berada di sini. Kat sini memang banyak guna syiling pun. Ada 1 sen, 2 sen, 5 sen, 10 sen. 1 euro, 2 euro etc. Niat di hati nak habiskan duit syiling tu. Maklumlah, banyak sangat duit syiling, nak buat balik Malaysia pun memberatkan beg saja. Ni dia kotak syiling tu.

Kat market tu, aku pun amikla barang-barang yang aku nak beli berupa air mineral, udang dan telur. Untuk memudahkan sesi pembayaran dekat kaunter, aku pun congaklah terus. Aku bilang cukup-cukup duit syiling yang akan aku gunakan untuk membayar nanti. Semuanya 5.88 Euro.

Sampai di kaunter, aku terus letak syiling yang sudah siap dikira dekat kaunter. Memang banyaklah syiling. Bertaburan lambakan syiling dekat kaunter tu. Ada banyak 10 sen dan 20 sen. You can imagine how many coins were there.

Nak dijadikan cerita, ada la sorang akak yang beratur belakang aku dan Mizi ni. Dia mula bertanya dalam bahasa Jerman. Haish..aku tak faham. Aku agak je lah, mungkin dia nak bayar barang dia dulu sebab it takes a lot of time untuk penjaga kaunter tu mengira syiling yang banyak. Aku pun selamba la jawab, "Ya..ya".

Lepas tu akak tu mula tanya penjaga kaunter sambil menghulur-hulurkan duitnya (a 10 euro note). Dia bertanya.."Wie viel? - yang ini aku faham. Maksudnya "Berapa?". Masa tu, aku dan Mizi mula perasan. Rupa-rupanya akak tu nak tolong bayarkan untuk aku. Mungkin dia simpati melihat aku terpaksa menggunakan syiling yang begitu banyak hanya untuk membayar tiga barang yang simple.

Lebih malang lagi, setelah barang-barangku habis di scan, aku dapati congakan aku tersasar. Harga sebenar ialah 6.48 Euro. Aish..macam mana bleh tersasar ni. Chemical engineer apakah ini? Adeh. Aku mula menyalahkan diri kerana terlalu bergantung kepada kalkulator selama ini.

Apa lagi, aku pun mengeluarkan kotak syiling aku untuk menambah jumlah yang tak cukup. Bila akak tu melihat kotak itu, bertambah-tambahlah dia simpati. Mana taknya, masa tu dalam kotak itu banyak yang tinggal duit-duit syiling yang sangat kecil nilainya - 1 sen, 2 sen, 5 sen. Dia pun terus berkata-kata dalam bahasa Jerman sambil menghulur-hulurkan duit. Berkeras nak tolong bayarkan agaknya.

Aku dan Mizi masa tu dah tak boleh tahan nak tergelak. Tapi sempat control lagi. Aku cakap "Nein..nein". - No no. Mizi pulak cakap "Ist Okay".- Its okay. Dia akhirnya pasrah. Aku pun berjaya membayar menggunakan hampir separuh duit syiling yang aku kumpul.

Mizi yang juga bercadang untuk membayar barang-barangnya menggunakan duit syiling pada mulanya, terus membatalkan niat untuk berbuat demikian. Tak mahu pisang berbuah dua kali. (Ingat: Akak tu masih lagi beratur di belakang!). Kalaulah Mizi pun guna duit syiling juga, akak tu mesti bertambah-tambah kesian. Dua sekawan ni orang miskin agaknya. Nak beli barang pun terpaksa guna syiling. Hahaha.

Dalam perjalanan baliknya, kami tergelak besar. Mana taknya, niat di hati nak habiskan syiling saja tapi silap-silap haribulan boleh dapat barang percuma.

Terfikir juga, aku bukannya kenal pun akak tu, kenapalah baik sangat? Mungkinkah sebab culture diorang memang begitu. Sebelum ini pun aku pernah tengok seorang pakcik tolong bayarkan untuk seorang budak kecil yang tidak membawa duit secukupnya untuk membeli barang.

Dan aku terfikir juga, kalaulah di Malaysia, kita lihat orang yang kita tak kenal, foreigner pulak tu, bayar guna lambakan syiling dekat kaunter supermarket, adakah kita akan berbuat seperti yang dibuat oleh akak itu? I think it is a NO. Besar kan perbezaan antara culture kita dan mereka.

Lain kali kalau nak guna duit syiling lagi, aku akan pergi time supermarket tu tak ada orang, barulah boleh guna syiling tanpa was-was. Hahahaha.

Wednesday, May 28

99th Post - Don't Believe The Hype

*My 99th post: This is a positive side of my view.

It is almost 6 months aku menjejakkan kaki di sini. Memang tak pernah berubah perspective aku tentang orang-orang di sini. In term of attitudes, they are good, and some of them are even better than some Malaysians that I have met before.

Hari ni aku naik bas seperti biasa ke tempat kerja dari pintu pagar depan BASF (Tor 7). Kebetulan aku duduk dekat dengan driver bas. Sampai kat satu stop dekat cafetaria, dia mula bertanya dalam bahasa German. Aku blur. Tak tahu nak jawab apa. Aku cuma bagitau aku tak reti cakap Jerman. What happened lepas tu?

Driver tu dengan rendah dirinya cakap, ' Sorry, my english is very bad'.

Aku cakap 'It's okay.'

Dan dia balas 'No, it's not okay'.

Aku cuma terdiam. Dalam hati, aku rasa aku yang patut malu kerana tidak dapat berbahasa Jerman sedangkan aku berada di Germany.

Dia pun tanya lagi, ' Where are you going? Tor 12?'

Aku pun cuba mempraktikkan serba sedikit bahasa Jerman yang aku tahu. 'Nein. Nexte Hastestelle' (ejaan ni konfem salah, ntah btul ke x aku pronounce tadi..hahaha). Maksudnya ''no, next stop.'' Kebetulan masa tu aku dah nak turun next stop.

Dia pun hentikan bas kat next stop. 'Here?'

Aku jawab 'Ja' - yes

Dia cakap 'Bye'

Dan aku reply 'Danke, tschüss' - Thank you, bye

Turun saja dari bas, aku tersenyum sendirian. Kalau ingat-ingat balik, dah agak ramai orang di sini yang aku jumpa, rata-ratanya sama dengan driver bas yang baru aku jumpa tadi. Walaupun mereka cuma tahu berbahasa Inggeris serba sedikit saja, tapi apabila ditegur atau menegur kita, mereka akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk berkomunikasi.

Kalau nak tolong tunjuk jalan, mereka akan betul-betul tolong. Nak ajar cara keluarkan duit, nak bagitau bas atau tram mana kena naik untuk ke satu-satu tempat, mereka akan tolong dengan bersungguh-sungguh.

Teringat seorang mak cik tua yang baya nenek aku. Dia tegur aku dalam bahasa Jerman, masa tu aku tengah tunggu bas. Seperti biasa aku cakap aku tak paham. Susah-susah dia explain pakai sign tangan semua, rupa-rupanya nak tanya aku datang dari mana.

Rata-rata yang aku jumpa juga, selalunya guess aku datang dari Korea (:D) atau China (erk..). Bila cakap Malaysia... barulah mereka kata 'oooo'... Aku bangga juga sebab ramai orang kat sini kenal Malaysia. Bila cakap Malaysia - diorang selalu relate kan dengan Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur. Siapa cakap Twin Towers satu pembaziran.

Kesimpulannya, most of the people here are very friendly. Cuma satu saja golongan orang yang aku tak suka di sini - orang mabuk teruk, lepas tu merapu-rapu dalam tram atau bas. Tapi setakat ni baru dua tiga kali aku jumpa orang macam tu.

So kawan-kawan, don't believe the hype that orang-orang Jerman kasar, dan selalunya tak berperikemanusiaan seperti yang selalu ditonjolkan dalam filem-filem Hollywood. :D

p.S: 99 posts including the drafts that I do not wish to publish. Does that count as well?

Monday, May 26

Ignoring is a bliss, but can you ignore everything?

cara mengorat :p

Lunch hour. Masa untuk makan. Tapi kurang berselera. Aku rasa berat badan aku dah turun lagi. Tak ada penimbang berat buat masa ni, tapi ada orang cakap aku makin kurus. I don't want to believe it but if it is the truth, can I just ignore it?

Badan rasa macam kurang sihat. Penat. Sakit kepala. Otak berserabut dengan macam-macam benda. Mungkin sebab semalam tidur tak menentu. Siangnya tidur hampir tiga jam (12.30 tgh - 3.30 ptg). Malamnya, sebelum Isya tidur hampir sejam. Bangun solat Isya (11.40 malam), lepas tu cuba untuk tidur tapi tak lena. Bangkit kembali. Sempat layan satu movie, dan beberapa potong lagu.

Tidur kembali selepas Subuh (around 3.00 pagi), tapi masih tak lena. Last time aku tengok jam, pukul 4.00 pagi. Lepas tu, tertidurlah agaknya.

7.00 pagi bangun. Kepala terasa berat. Tak cukup tidurkah? (Ikut perkiraan tidur semalam 3+1+3 = hampir 7 jam). Entahlah. Kebelakangan ini aku memang susah untuk tidur. Aku perlukan suasana yang betul-betul tenang barulah dapat melelapkan mata. Maaflah, definisi keadaan tenang aku berbeza dengan orang lain. (Or can I just ignore it).

Beginilah nasib, bila kepala berserabut. Nak tidur pun susah. Mana mahu fikir untuk buat kerja lain lagi. Bertambah-tambah sakit kepala. Adeh x 100. Nak ignore lagi, bleh?

Jangan pula berasa pelik dengan waktu-waktu yang aku sebutkan. Di sini, memang begitulah keadaannya. Kadang-kadang terfikir alangkah bagusnya kalau berada di Malaysia.

Subuh - 2.59 pagi
Zuhur - 1.24 ptg
Asar - 5.38 ptg
Maghrib - 9.19 mlm
Isya' - 11.35 mlm

P.s: Maaflah entri-entri kebelakangan ini asyik bercerita tentang benda-benda yang kurang positif. I will try to be more positive afterwards okay. I'll stop from updating the blog for a while until I have positive entry to share. Deal.

Search for 'ignore' in Google, this is the first search result: wikiHow: How to Ignore People. LOL. Can you really do that?

Yes, ignoring is a bliss, but you can not possibly ignore everything.

Saturday, May 24

Living is not an easy path, and dying is not, either...

  • Just because I made a mistake once, it doesn't mean that I am forever guilty. Just because I said it wrong once, you don't have to judge me forever. You don't have the right to.
  • If you walk away from me, don't expect me to come closer to you. I will walk further away from you.
  • Sometimes sorry is not enough. You have to change. But will you? And sometimes forgiveness is not enough. You have to be able to mend. But will you?
  • I don't care if you call me names, but don't mind if I do the same thing to you.
  • Accept people as who they are, and you will find that you're good enough to be accepted. Sometimes, just accept yourself as who you are, and people will accept you.
  • Why bother if you don't really care. Why ask if you know the answer. Why are you there, when I need you here.
  • If you think you're good enough, don't assume that all people will be as good as you. Don't don't assume all other people are evil either. That doesn't make you are any better.
  • Don't judge people by their appearances. Judge them by their attitudes, because changing appearances is easier than changing attitudes.

Life is complex, can it really be easy?
Or is it me who think of it that way?

Tengah serabut dengan macam-macam benda, datang pula judgement-judgement yang membuatkan aku bertambah serabut. People just like to judge, even if they are not judges!

Wednesday, May 21


Semalam aku register course. Senang pula nak register kali ni. Sebelum ni ada juga problem. Siap print screen ngan print satu hardcopy lagi. There is no problem except that aku isi details dekat alamat:


Tahun ni, Kota Bharu jadi negeri, Kelantan jadi negara. Hahaha. :p
I wasn't reading the details properly when filling the form.
Kena buat pembetulan ke nanti? Huh..~

I chose Gas & Petrochemical Engineering. Actually this is my choice since I entered my foundation programme for Chemical Engineering in July 2004. My interest is still the same I guess. But sometimes, I am not sure if this is the right choice.

To those yang dah register, major apa yang kamu semua pilih?

Tuesday, May 20

You forgive me, and I'll forgive you.

I found these quotes interesting enough for my day:

You forgive me for liking you too much,
And I'll forgive you for not liking me enough.

You forgive me for missing you so,
And I'll forgive you for being so cold.

You forgive me for the loud racing of my heart,
And I'll forgive you for not hearing it.

You forgive me for playing your games,
And I'll forgive you for toying with my emotions.

You forgive me for finding you so attractive,
And I'll forgive you for not noticing.

You forgive me for raising you up so high,
And I'll forgive you for bringing me down so low.

You forgive me for wanting to be with you,
And I'll forgive you for avoiding me.

You forgive me for being so pathetic,
And I'll forgive you for taking advantage of it.

You forgive me for not being able to let go,
And I'll forgive you for never having latched on.

You forgive me for having hopes and dreams,
And I'll forgive you for crushing them.

Forgiveness brings inner peace.
Do we have a deal?

Yes. We have a deal. :D

Monday, May 19

Are all human naturally selfish?

Read here about this topic.
Some comments about the topic that really caught my attention:-

"I believe we are all naturally selfish. But that does not stop us doing things that benefit others as well, or even instead of ourselves. People have died to save other people lives....but it is in our nature to benefit ourselves first."

"Everyone is selfish. At the more primitive level we're concerned about getting our needs & wants fulfilled NOW (immediate gratification). At a more advanced level, we can understand how by being selfLESS and by being appreciative we can actually have a more fulfilling existence in the long run. So yes I'd say we're naturally selfish. I'm not sure it's possible to NOT be selfish. Everyone seeks their own fulfillment in life one way or another."

"Human behaviour is purposeful
Yes, we are.
I don’t have any more to add, to do so would only waste mine and yours time for today.
Q: Why are reply's on ATS to long? Don't people have better things to do ..... like go for a walk in the sunshine?
I'm off to get a coffee and a nice sunny walk"

"Every creature on Earth is selfish.
But I think humans are supposed to be above animals."

I have no personal opinion about this right now. Will talk about this later.
Maybe yes, I agree. I just don't want to admit it.

Sunday, May 18

Marvel Ultimate Alliance...

Bosan. Terfikir pula, alangkah bestnya kalau ada game 'Marvel Ultimate Alliance (MUA)' di sisi. My notebook just don't have enough 'energy' to support the game..duh. Last year (during semester break), I played the game two weeks non-stop. (Of course I stopped for the basics - eat, sleep. etc). I passed all of the levels (Easy, Normal, Hard) - No cheating OK.
The hardest part was when I fought against Galactus, one of the biggest villains in Marvel.


I am a big fan of Marvel superheroes. Maybe that is why I really enjoy the game. In the game, you can choose up to four characters to play with, and you will go through a lot of missions to save the world from the villains. Sounds great..huh?

Another game that I really enjoyed was Need For Speed Most Wanted (NFSMW). Being the most wanted, and feeling like you are at the center of attention. :D

I played simple games like Zuma, 7 Wonders and Insaniquarium for quite a long time as well.

I know most of the girls don't like complicated games. Most of the boys don't like simple games. We are from different world, I guess. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.

Care to share your favourite games?

Saturday, May 17

Selamat Hari Guru...

Hari tu 11 Mei, lupa pula nak wish selamat hari ibu untuk mak. Dahlah aku call rumah pada 10 Mei. Tapi, everyday is mother's day, kan. Kita kena appreciate mak setiap hari (Ini ialah alasan sebab lupa Hari Ibu, harap maklum).

Semalam, hampir terlupa, 16 Mei ialah Hari Guru. Selamat Hari Guru buat semua pendidik especially my teachers, my lecturers from:-
- TABIKA Seri Murni, Pangkal Kalong
- Sekolah Kebangsaan Kok Lanas
- Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kok Lanas
- MRSM Bitara Pengkalan Chepa
- Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Jasamu mendidik daku takkan dilupakan buat selama-lamanya.

And, tak dilupa for my big bro yang baru start mengajar, be a great teacher.

This is a special dedication untuk semua pendidik tak kira di mana mereka berada:

Jika hari ini seorang Perdana Menteri berkuasa

Jika hari ini seorang Raja menaiki tahta

Jika hari ini seorang Presiden memerintah sebuah negara

Jika hari ini tiba seorang ulama yang mulia

Jika hari ini seorang peguam menang bicara

Jika hari ini datang seorang penulis terkemuka

Jika hari ini siapa saja menjadi dewasa;

Sejarahnya dimulakan oleh seorang guru biasa

Dengan lembut sabarnya mengajar tulis-baca.

(nukilan sajak Guru oh Guru karya Dato Usman Awang)

Thanks a lot for your knowledge and guidance. I am greatly indebted.

Friday, May 16

Freedom of speech.YES. But there is a limit.

Freedom of speech does not give anybody a license to insult another person's race, religion, place of origin, etc. This is what I think of freedom of speech. You can think whatever you want, but this is what I think.

I once had this conversation not long time ago:

A : Rosli, kau asal dari mana?
ME : Aku dari Kota Bharu.
A : Oh, orang Kelantan jahat-jahat kan? (This is the second sentence from that person. I remember it correctly)

ME : Kenapa cakap macam tu?
A : Sebab hari tu, time kitorang pergi Kelantan, ada geng budak2 laki kacau kitorang.
ME : Laa..korang pergi kawasan mana sampai kena kacau?
A : Jeram apa ntah nama dia. Jeram Linang kot.
ME : Tempat tu memang la. Aku sendiri tak pernah pergi sana. Tempat tu memang banyak budak nakal. Lain kali kalau nak pergi sana, pergilah dengan famili ke.

A : Apa-apa pun diorang mana bleh sesuka hati kacau kitorang.
ME : Kau pun tak boleh nak stereotype semua orang Kelantan jahat sebab jumpa a bunch of budak nakal dekat sana.
A : --- (diam seketika)
A : Kau asal Kelantan, kan. Sebab itu cara kau cakap lain sikit.
ME : Lain macam mana tu?
A : Ada bunyi macam orang Kelantan la sikit-sikit.
ME : (Dalam hati: whatever!)

Sampai sekarang aku akan teringat balik perbualan di atas bila orang kutuk-kutuk tentang tempat asal (atau hal yang berkaitan dengan origin).

Hari tu aku balik daripada lab dengan perasaan kecewa. Kenapa perlu stereotype? Dan kenapa tak menjaga limit freedom of speech tu? Freedom memanglah freedom, tapi jagalah sikit jangan sampai melampaui batas.

I tried my best to speak bahasa Melayu standard dengan korang semua (orang Pantai Barat). Memanglah ada cacat celanya. Aku tahu dan aku sedar. First time aku cakap bahasa standard pun bila aku mula-mula masuk UTP.

Nanti kalau aku cakap dialek Kelantan dengan kamu semua, kamu tak faham, jangan pulak salahkan aku.

P.S: New comments have been disabled. No more freedom. The limit is there.

Thursday, May 15

Fake ads. Not funny at ALL.

Found this picture on Google Image Search today when I searched for ''BASF''.

So, I digged further about this picture. It was posted by Andrew Kantor, an American blogger long time ago. This is his story:

Three Fake Ads
Posted 03/5/04

A while ago I was doing some research about WWII when I discovered what some modern-day companies were doing back then. (In one case I looked back to WWI.) Just for fun, I created some fake ads for three of them — BASF, Mitsubishi, and Volkswagen.

I forgot about them, then discovered them sitting in a folder. I actually think they’re pretty good considering I’m self-taught in Photoshop.

Now before you start getting upset (if you’re that kind of person), realize that 1) the stuff in the ads is true, 2) I don’t have any kind of agenda, and 3) my father and maternal grandfather were in the Army in WWII. So if you’re easily offended by people making fun of German and Japanese companies, maybe you should skip them.

This was just an exercise in humor, nothing more. I just thought it would be funny to create some ads that you would never, ever see.

Click here to see the BASF ad.

Click here to see the Mitsubishi ad.

Click here to see the VW ad.

(I’m sure there were a lot more companies — American, European, Asian — doing their bit to help kill their fellow men. I just chose these three.)

I shoudn't have read his blog. I should have skipped reading. I shouldn't have digged further.

Guess what? Now I am getting upset. I am upset knowing that there are people out there that think their country is better than the others'. I am upset knowing that people think that they are better than the others. Just because people made mistakes once, it doesn't mean that they will be forever guilty.

Be sure to click on the other two ads above (Mitsubishi and VW). Is the author really sure that those companies were involved in the war back then?

What do you think if one of the fake ads is related to one of your country's beloved companies? You know it is fake, but, will you not be offended?

Exercise in humor. Wth...

Wednesday, May 14

To err is human, to forgive is divine...

*Banyak kerja, tapi gatal tangan nak update. Okay kot, nak hilangkan stress sikit.

To err is human - very true. Human do make mistakes.
To forgive is divine - not really. To forgive and forget is real divine.

Question is, can you really do that?
Forgive and forget?


Everything is in your memories.
You will remember everything, unless you lost your memories.

Someone said, ''Just don't think about it, forget it''
And I said, ''Let the time do the job''


We will 'forget' when the time comes. But when?
Only God knows.

Or do you have any great formula to share?
Easy way(s) to forgive and just forget.
P.S: Staring at my xterm clients with nowhere to go simulations. Why is it too hard for it to go on without problems? Just like us.

Tuesday, May 13

Status-status di Yahoo Messenger...

Arghhhh..penatnya otak membuat report. Tak sampai sebulan lagi final presentation untuk internship. Cuak-cuak. Makin hampir ke penamat internship. Tak sabar-sabar nak balik.
Jangan salah faham, aku bukannya tak suka berada di sini, aku suka. Kadang-kadang aku rasa best juga kalau dapat kerja di sini.
Tapi, itulah, sebab dah agak lama di sini, aku rindu famili. Rindu kampung halaman. Rindu masakan kampung. Rindu PC aku yang mungkin sedang diperkotak-katikkan oleh adik aku. Balik nanti jaga-jagalah dia. Heheh.
Okeh, dah tak lama lagi. Lepas ni semua ini akan berakhir.
Kadang-kadang, bila bosan, aku lihat status kawan-kawan di Yahoo Messenger. Aku tahu, kamu semua pun suka melihat status di YM kan. Jangan nak menafikannya. Aku tahu.

Yang biasa aku lihat:-

0. tiada dalam talian - aalim.
1. haish..too bad~ - tuan dia kata ini tag, kena letak lama2. hahaha.
2. Be Right Back - status biasa bila tuan dia keluar sekejap - tandas, makan
3. Stepped Out - status untuk tuan yang keluar lama cket - kedai, jalan2 bilik orang
4. Busy - tuan dia mungkin tengah membuat kerja, report atau tengok movie. :p
5. Ada yang asyik Availabe.

6. Ada yang asyik Invisible. Aku tahu. Dulu aku pun asyik invisible juga. Sekarang pun, kadang-kadang. Aku faham sometimes kita tak nak diganggu, kan? Hahaha.
7. Ada yang asyik tukar-tukar status. - akulah tu dan beberapa lagi rakan-rakan.
8. Ada yang asyik berstatus jiwang. - you know who you are. Hehehe :p
9. Ada yang status keagamaan dan kerohanian. Insaf seketika semasa aku membacanya.
10. Ada juga status yang merepek-repek. Nyampah aku baca.

11. Ada yang asyik status pasal bola. Sekarang jarang pulak dia online. So dah xde update pasal bola lagi.

12. Ada status tajuk lagu atau movie atau series yang sedang dilayan.
13. Ada sesetengah status yang kadang-kadang aku tak paham langsung. Hampeh.
14. Ada status berfalsafah bukan main. - akulah tu tapi kadang-kadang je.
15. Ada yang asyik Idle berjam-jam - baik invisible je oi. Hahaha. :p
16. Tidak dilupa status yang mempromote blog masing-masing. :D

Sekarang aku suka tengok status Wadieq:
- FoR THINGS I did wr0ng, f0r WORDS which might hurt, f0r JOKES U can`t take, f0r ADVICE U can`t accept, 1001 Ap0LoGiES fr0m me

Status aku, pun aku suka juga: (aku kena suka, kalau tak siapa lagi nak suka?)
- Patience is a virtue. But limit it has.

Okaylah, satu lagi, status best buddy, aku tak paham sangat, tapi letak je la kan.
- menjaga hati - "..biarkan aku menjaga perasaan ini ohhh, menjaga segenap cinta yang telah kau beri, engkau pergi, aku tidak akan pergi, engkau menjauh, aku tidak akan jauh, sebenarnya diriku masih mengHARAPkan MU.."

Sudahlah, sudah penat aku mengarut. Aku nak sambung buat report pula. Aku doakan yang terbaik untuk kita semua. Good luck with report and presentation nanti. All the best. Amin. :D

Monday, May 12

Do you prefer talking or listening...

Grey's Anatomy is back. Since it was discontinued a couple of months ago, the show is on air again. Season 4 Episodes 12-14 are already there. I watched the show, and it is getting more interesting with the contest among them, the clinical trials and so on.

Meredith (the main character) takes the therapy due to her break up with Dr. Derek Shepherd. Only after her third or fourth therapy she starts to talk. It is really hard to talk about our problem to someone, isn't it? What about listening to the others problem? For me, both are really hard unless we put our trust on each other. To trust and to be trusted is very difficult.

Too much of talking will lead to a lot of mistakes in our words. Too much of listening will lead to misunderstanding that you're not really into a conversation. So what we have to do in a sharing session? Be moderate. It is not that simple.

For me, sometimes when I face some problems, I do need time, for I know if I talk or listen too much, it is vulnerable to more erroneous than the righteous things. I have this thinking "I am dying inside, who will know and understand well except me? And even if I let you know, will you really care? Will you be able to understand me?" That is why I rather keep my problems for myself. I rather be keep quite and not to make a fuss over a small crappy thing.

Sometimes I think that something is better to be kept secret as long as we can bear with it. Don't just talk and voice it out, for some words are too sharp that they can bleed someone's heart so much. I will try to cope with all the words, but I do have limit for my patient. When it comes to the limit, I tend to be emotional. That is what they always say. Emo, emo, emo...

But personally, if you really know me, when it comes to my limit, I actually tend to be quieter than before. I will talk less and I will prefer not to talk or listen too much. When it comes to this stage, don't ask me what is my problem. I will take some time to think back of what I have done, and hopefully everything will get better. My confidence might fall to the lowest level during the thinking. Trust me, it takes time for me to regain my confidence.

"You like to hear nice words, so don't make others listen harsh words from you. They might do the same to you one day"

"Trust is not a matter of how much you can talk and listen to someone about some matters, it is about how much you can talk and listen to someone about everything."

"It is really difficult to change our mind and perspective about something. It is like changing the shape of a rock by using droplets of water"

P.S: This entry is not in any way related to my current situation, it is just what I think about talking and listening when I do have problem with both.

Wednesday, May 7

Do you like Malay movies?

Baru saja memotong rambutku setelah hampir 5 bulan (oh ya..hari tu Mizi ada tolong potongkan rambut bahagian belakang cket...masa tu aku rimas rambut kat belakang panjang sangat tapi masih mahu menyimpan bahagian depan :D). Ada orang panggil aku Faizal Tahir, ada yang cakap aku okay berambut panjang. Entahlah.

Apa-apa pun, sekarang, rambut aku dah pendek giler! Bukanlah botak seperti Mawi tapi bagi aku memang pendek.

How much is the cost for cutting my hair? €8 = RM40. Itu yang paling murah boleh didapati di sini. Ada yang €9, ada yang €11. I prefer the lowest sebab tujuannya sama saja.

Esok plannya nak tengok Iron Man bersama-sama member sepejabat. Sapa yang dah tengok? Dengar kata best.

Bercerita tentang filem, teringatkan filem-filem Melayu yang biasanya aku memang kureng cket.
Ada something tentang filem Melayu yang membuatkan aku malas, bosan dan jemu untuk menonton filem Melayu lagi. Setiap kali ada filem Melayu baru keluar panggung, I have this tag in my mind ''that is a typical filem Melayu''. Do you like Malay movies? Why do you like it. Change my mind about filem Melayu, please.

p.s.: Satu-satunya filem Melayu yang aku betul-betul suka - Buli.
'p.s. I love you' - latest movie yang aku tengok, memang best. Next post aku buat review tentang movie ya :D

Monday, May 5

Some Quotes...

Hari ini, masuk kerja balik setelah bercuti seminggu. Dah berkarat otak nak mulakan balik simulation dan report. Intern baru (Mark) masuk, intern lama (Azman) keluar. It reminds me of how much time that is left for me here. So sad thinking that I'm going to miss my good times here. At the same time, I am so eager to meet my friends and family in Malaysia.

Okay, quotes as promised: -

''I wish there were a rulebook for intimacy. Some kind of guide to tell you when you've crossed the line. It would be nice if you could see it coming, and I don't know how you fit it on a map. You take it where you can get it, and keep it as long as you can. And as for rules, maybe there are none. Maybe the rules of intimacy are something you have to define for yourself. '' - Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy
- I want to be close to somebody, but close is close, never cross the line. I learn and try to control myself not to cross the line. but sometimes I don't even realize that I have crossed that invisible line. Sorry, I too, wish that there were a rulebook for intimacy. Sorry that I crossed the line.

"People like talking about people. Makes us feel superior. Makes us feel in control. And sometimes, for some people, knowing some things makes them care." - Dr. House, House M.D. 113
- Don't we like to talk about people? Don't we like to feel superior and feel better than the others? It is true, sometimes, talking about people shows that we care about them.

''I don't want to love or to hate so much, because loving is as torturing as hating someone'' - Dae Jang Geum, Jewel in The Palace
- Feel like dying from inside as a result of hating or loving someone so badly? Then stop loving or hating someone so much. People make mistake, as much as you do, so don't hate too much. As for love, give your best love to Him.

''Words are too cruel; sometimes you don't even realize that they were cruel, but you can not take back what you have said. You tried to use words to calm the condition down, but you keep making it worse. At some point, words are too cruel that you can not even be forgiven for what you have said.They destroy love and care, they initiate hate and vengeance. The only solution is to keep quiet for some time and forget about those words.''

''Love, is not a matter of how much you love someone and how you are willing to sacrifice for the person. It is about how much your love is being accepted by that someone. Don't waste your love for someone who don't want to accept it. Remember, love is about give and take.''

''Quote, quote, quotes...''

Penatnya buat quote. No more quotes lepas ni. I miss my old diaries yang penuh dengan quotes. I miss my old PC yang penuh dengan games best. And I miss my family's old house di kampung. Lagu aku ingin pulang bergema lagi...tapi aku kena buat report dan simulation dulu!

Sunday, May 4

Recent works on macro...

Lets forget about quotes for a while. Here are some of my recent works on macro photography. Just for self entertainment and self satisfaction. Thanks to Abe for the session together and some lesson a few days ago. It's such a long time I didn't shoot macro photos. (some are not really macro enough i think :p)

I wish that I have more time for photography, instead of spending lots and lots of my time in front of 'windows'.

p/s: planning on cutting my hair this week. don't call me names, not anymore. :p

Saturday, May 3

Some updates...

Sudah lama tidak mengupdate blog. Penat sebenarnya. Idea pun tak ada sangat.

Baru saja balik dari Belgium dan Netherlands. Both are great and unique countries. Belgium with its variety of chocolates, and Netherlands with tulips, windmills, and its infamous entertainment points. It was a good trip overall.

Balik saja dari vacation, esoknya terus ke Luisenpark, Mannheim. I never think that such park exists in Mannheim. Banyak lagi rupanya tempat berdekatan yang belum didiscover sepenuhnya. It was a great picnic.

Then, semalam pergi ke Neues Messplatz, Mannheim. Ada fun fair. Dah lama tak pergi fun fair. Last time in a fun fair, aku di tingkatan berapa ntah. It was really fun. Naik ferris wheel, naik benda pusing-pusing (ape nama dia ntah), naik bumper car for the first time, dan naik 'taxi' yang laju macam sengal. Terasa macam budak-budak. It is great to be kids, isn't it? Fun, fun and hard feelings at all. :D

Pikir-pikir balik, it is really painful to grow up. Semakin lama, semakin banyak cabaran yang perlu dilalui. Semakin lama semakin banyak salah dan silap yang kadang-kadang memakan diri sendiri. Semakin lama, semakin banyak pula cabaran dan dugaan.

I guess it is just how we can grow up. Endure the pain, be maturer, and live your life to the fullest. Forget about the hard feelings.

Melalut lagi. Hahahaha. Okay, end of update. Will do some quotes next time. :D

Thanks to kawan-kawan yang telah participate voting in the blog colour poll. Blue rules anyway. Hehehe. :p